Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 1 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

—-— _ — p- INSUR.VNCi FIRE AND MAPINE TUK M)Ki:'IUN'KO I? .\CTiiOBlZfib T0 T KK FIRE asp MAKINK ON Merchandise, Hnlls. Cariroes, ! tVei<?hts and — • Commissions At CuiTf*nt R;ites, iu the tellowing Cos. BOYAL INSDRANCE COMt’ANY. L1V1 KPOOL. \LLIANCE ASSCRANCE FiRE A MAKINE. LONOON, WILHK! MA OK MADGERI RG GENEli\L 1N31’BANCE CO. SCN INSURANCE COMPANV, 8AN FRANCiSCO. .1. 8. W.VI ,KER, enl for the Hawaiian Is!ands. OEDWAT & PORTER, Hohinmn Block, Ilokl St., het\been Fort and Xuuann, Have Just Eecei\*d.jer I »(e AimiiK, tl« i Hcci d FCB NITUBE Ever LnportoJ to this Conntry, Comprisiog Ha ndsome Carved Bedroom iets ln SoI id andof the l~A TESTDESIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENTI0N 13 CALLED TO II1E3E SETS: WICK.BR WARB, Beaut ful IXs gns <>f Wieh r Ware, consisting of SOFAS, CHAIBS, KOCKEBS, etc.,you ean get tbese iu any 1INI3H you desire. Countless numbers of CHAIKS, in every style, inc)uding OFFICE an-I HIGH CHAIKS. ri , ūB3srszoisr tael \Ye h;tve had a rfatuber of calls for tbeso Tubles, with CHA1KS t» iuatcb. . We bave now iu stock tbe most k BEAUT1FUL tl|NING RQ0iVi FUBNITURE e\\:k seen heke. f Sideboards and -:- Chiffoniera rrDI VA jXT &. ‘«5 Divans covered witb rORTlEKS aro bocorniug quite tbe rage in pluee of LOUNG£S—we mannfacture ti;em to order. and have a laige stock o£ POKTIEKS to sebct from. BSDDI1TG*. Gre;.t AssortmentofWOVE\ WIKE MATTRESSES~Spring, Hair, Moss, W ool und Straw Mattresses ou haml and made to order. L1VE GEESE FEATHEKS and SILK FL()SS for IMiows CRIBS, CKADLES, etc. __ W1ND0W SHADES of all colors aua siz s. OOKNlOE POi.ES, iu wood or br .ss tritoiuings. :e=u^-ikizr;a-. M»ttresses, Lounges ;«nd ali Upbolsterod Farmture repaired at r« asonable n tes. CAB1NET MAKING, in all its braticbes, by Competent Workmen MAT1T>G LAlD ;md Iut rior Decor.;ting Uuder tue Supervision of Mr. GEOKGK ORDWAY Our Goods ro F rst Cliss, aud onr pricos are tbe Iowest Corae aud be convinced —a trial is s dioited. Bell 5‘Jō. TELEPH0NE8: Mnhmi G45. ORDWAY A PORTEK, R.»biuson Block, be(ween Fort and Nnnann Telkfhoxk8: Bell 351 JMutual 417 Residenve: Mutual 410 P. O. Box 117 F. B. THOMAS, C0NTRACT0R and BUILDER Mstimates Griven 011 .All lvinds OF IHON, m i WOOOEN BIWGS AU Kinds of Jobbing in thc Building Trade, Attendcd to. KEEPS FOR SALE: Brict. um», Cement. lron Stone Pipe and FittingR, Oid«t N« w Corrng»ted lrou. Miulon.Tile«, Quarry Ti'es, assorted s ua »ud colors; <)»hfoiDi» ami Monterey Sand, Granite Corbisg and Kloeka. etc.. etc. !Corner hing dt Smitb Stt. O&ee Hours. b to ia M.. * ‘o 4 P II. | \