Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 1 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Long Branch MGEstablishme'.t. Tbis Fir?l-CI*«* |r 'P H-s *rl hae b-«*n d i* 'ow oi»eii to the pub!ic, It is t».e b-sl p!ac#* on thc iel«nd« l» e. j >y « B.th. and lher» 8 no bett*r ni ce t«i !ay i-6. gpecnl j»ccomm"d .ti**!,« f-r l.i - d;es. Tr rac;ir- p n“ tiK* d <<r every h«lfhour. and on S turd-*y» *nd 8undays everv fifteen n»uutes. C. J. SHKRHOOD, ; y 24 Proprieior. lo\/eJoy & co. Wiqe \ Liquoi’ ūeale^ 19 Nuuanu Street We would cmI’ yoor atteution to Our SjK-cial fJrauds Longlife Pure Cream RYEJ,VHISKEY. Fredericksburg BEER « au 2 m eaeke or b«ittle8 T. B. Murray % 1« V«‘( io l*o ’ niiml Oii (h«‘ OI«l Hlaail. \«- 1 1 KIi»js a« CARRIAGE AM» i p rT ri)Pi) A\l\h\ MA> 1 a Oll. n* Wlu-n tlu* “PE()rLES’ PARTY"geta 8uiashed he will iv re;ul v to REPAIR PAINT AND TR1M 1T At a Reasouable F gure.— N £xtra Cbarge for Foruishing ihem with e. uimou Scuae. LETTHE.M R1SG I P MUTUAL , l’KLEPHONE;; ŌV2. yil «ro Chas. T. G'alick “otarv public For the I$l«nd of t)«hu Ageut t« Tako Aeknow I«* lg oent; to Labor Contracb>. Ageut to Graut Miirriage Lieeu aes. Houolulu. Oabu. Agent for tbe Huw’n lslauds o Pnr & Scorr s FreigL t and Parcols Erpit**>. Ageut for tbe JBurlijglon KouU Būl Estate BiT-tsr asā 0e5srel Af ■ai: »jell Tel. 348; Mut. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 41,". OFFlCE: No. 38 MEBCHAN’ Street H.moialu H TUOS. LINUSAY ‘Afe Mervbaut Smet. Honolulu Sknr, ncy Jcwdry Gold, SUvcr and Diamonds. Jewe!ry M iuuf.iCiore t» ord« r W«tcbes c'eaued re{>airvd t is and >u*ptct.,£j