Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 1 October 1894 — AN ARTISTIC SUCCESS. [ARTICLE]
K<% Coaapaay Covers Itaelf Witb Presh Laurels. W b>it will b- a, sec >nd artis*ic .*4nd aaocially sjccessfol t ; > aineal seas <u vas iu cgo.-i«t>*>l o Satarday evening bv Da le> uew compaoy of pl*yers. T> e or£rtazation is mueh. arg-r lb:«u t e other ard seem. t h v- bi-ea catvfolly selecte<i by. au txj>er cnced hacJTha “Two Orphafis’ was thei. «prirg bi i a d it was carefully . a d ;ui ntel v staged a: d ppro- I
r-r'»tely cost rr.eJ nJ f.?t t ap!ireci«ted » s ev nced by | licartv Hiv : s to bl ; tbe old favorltes an 1 th? i>ew visitors wiio donbt: ss wii bo. M:ss K;«t < balg!< ī-. played Hannr ette in a <'«r«f J c«nc’entioas mani er; ! ! i -is a j>r *ty {.ee and a 3<feet \ voice, whieL was inaud.ble al t times wing pcss ble to a « noi?y ga I ry. Miss Nannaryjl wis wi .=oin and effeltive as 1 Loui.se,» dfurtheri c#ased l«er i j>opalarilj'. er «loul.le to the i Si.s‘er uf Mercy was higuly art i is;i. M rtiir.c-r Snow was an ideul P er;e a«.d extremeiiy forei- 1 ble a- tho Cbe>. llicr Mr. Ilalleo anolie r new f » > made an in st.nt!in. u.~ bit, his concepti mof ! fi« l>r«it.-il J«icq .e beiug admir- 1 ab! . I‘ A. Nam«;.ry gave cvi 1 dc . e «.f grc.=t forco ;.s ti.e Count, .s- « i hi.- be;;riiig be g drg«;ititd and couunHuJiug and imj>resses oae ,is of tl«« * Oid Sterlmg Sohool.” Kate Belmulir !'.«oked tlie CouutiSs peri< ctiy aml j>hiyed the ro!e wilh ple;»sing «leinil whieh might also bo sai>l of ber Marienne. i.ouis Belm'>nr’s Picard al>und ed in lauglis that seumed ready to bnbh!e forth al any instaut Mr. Scott disp!nye l a rouud f i 1 voice andcasy carriage tbat unght i bespeak Sli:«kespearian trainiug. i Je-.n \Veiu«r who sang two chorm- 1 iu<i balla<ls w:is he; rtily encorcd. Moliie Stockiu«yer played the two i minor roles nicely and the minor parts and extras were well drilled. The ohnroh sceue displayed, lost half of its efi'ect from badiy handltd lights, but as a whole it \vas a drauiatic ?ucc£ss and served to iutr dnc > 3īr. Dailey’s j>iayers very effect.vely. The aiuusement lovers «>f this city ean yongratuj lat-> ilie;nselves on haviug at last secured a young manager who <s p rfectly *onversant with their , wants and kuow ! edge onough of , ; h is bnsiness to give laudible per- . fortnances. Touigbt the balcony scene from Uouieo and Jnliet will 1 preceed ‘'The I’layer ‘ and not—withstanding tbat Monday is a } ! bad night, tho company will j>rob ably have n good house to this ! doublo biil. =»