Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 10, 29 Kepakemapa 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Thi; vet»rn «f tho l S. cvuis* r ' Phil«delphia to Hawaiian wat* re I is c«usod bv tbe ro»»ort of Admi i ral W«lkcr to his p vcmtnenl in ! whieh he us* s tht* l»ritish bug l»ear w ith *ts usu..l elf> cts «ud warns the Uuited States lhat 4f they don’t h»ok out lbe oM * lion" will swallow the l ttle S «mlwieh. ! Whilo we eoi »ider tbe method i tbrough whleh tlio \e*'Sel is sent here conteoij'tiblo at.d crimin.il I we hail with j>Kas> re the «rr v«l [ of a n«val ship whieh willbe« ?ource of rvvenue to the city; • | whieh will bring many woleome gucsts lo Honoiulu societv aud whieh un*loubtedly will be eom* \ »uauded by «u oflicer who fuliy | will realiz- his position and obty j the instructious of u*>n-interfer- j enee to the lelter. The warehip will be stationed ! here thro»*gh the f-lse repreaentatious of Aduiir»l Walk*r. The offie»al org*n of tbe republ c tlisclaims any p«rticij»ati<-n iu tbe orderiog > f the vess* l t«> Hawaii. ! We eaiinol believe our esteeme«l eontemporary bec o«»e ne h**j*j'en ■ (o be awaru of lLv d« ly auxi«tv . and ihe h.>ur!y scare of the, “heioee 0 who n«>w eLim ib-it they j «bed their hloAi for the rcpabi e of J. L- Eteve|s».