Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 10, 29 Kepakemapa 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Thf. Hnmano S ci*ty deserv<s all the sujij>ort whieh Llio <'ommv*nity ean grnul it. tinai»cial : \ as well as activ<*ly. Ylis*s H*lei» ■ K, Wild*r h>s be*-n nj»j't>ii»te*I ' president *>f tho socioty «nd we don’t bolieve t!»«t a belter eheiee . coul*l b>* »n«*lo. Mr Banning! aml t>th* re liflve «lrendy contribute<l to (he »;ew society »ud tho | j»rosjH'cts for succe*>s are go> «1. In this i»istancc t!»e doar peoj>le | of Honolulu sl»onld not potosleep | lf thev do. wo 1ii*j*o t' e jireaiden* | will remeraber tl.e wliip whieh ; in the fu(nro sbould not bo ■ uso*l on dnuib aniniil». Wo eall | ?j>eci«l attention to tho manner | in whieh tho ui ssi> nnr os trea( their i»orst*s duvmg ehuieh ser , \iees on Su»;tla\s. Manv of tlu*»n | (thehorecs—not the niiwionaiie*) h«vc* thoir t«iL s*curc<lby a straj» i to j>ro\ont iheni f»« n» i»iterft*reuce ) with tho liiifs lt also j>rt>ventp | them from interfcring wilh llies, ( fleas and »»>*