Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 10, 29 September 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Thk Ai1*rlS*rr tfUs «>s lhat J«pan»*s‘‘ (»"vernroent 1>;ip rec»*- *• • I ni»>d tbe re(>»d»lic of fnrlherror>re olain»K lhat llie pire of Ihe Risinp Sun «i 1 - ‘cor 5 d;a!!y recogi 5/.e the traditional rightb of the L n.U‘d State.s t<» mainlain a d<>rainint int!i.euce hore.” As f«r a fc the rccognifion i s conrernrd we have no d i l*t t!u>t the A<hrrt\*er is corrcct althongh the Jaj)nnepe I.eg«lion hcre has not bcen officially instn ct« <l in tbe inattor A> f«r as the exj»rrs sion of Ihe po 5cy of J.ij an to ward« Hawaii lo Mr. lr\rin, it is a raost absur<l ft«teirent ol ap ignornnt writer. Any office boy in any t1ipIoniat'c «ffice wonhl a« well confide its foreign jiolicy to the eon iuonest labor» r in the street thau ar.n< unee it to n n):'n of tho “pectiliHr” stai.ding a» d rej»ntation enjoved by Mr. R W. lrwin. W’e 8rc, however inelined to belitve that the n?serlion is balched in Mr. Arrostrong*s “old-jokc conlainer.” and nct in thc office of Mr. Hatch.