Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 10, 29 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
■ GONSAIVES Keep» on fUrd a 3np P j y of tbc Verv Best Piooeep Soap ] * In Cww of «, 5ō,<» u>4 T!> Tms 5?OAP TGE Finest Import$d He:s. . >PECIAL PRICES FOR i - > IN LOTS m m eī i- co\ip's Celebrated Brands of SC0Tl H WI1ISKK\ i; BHN ALIK)CHLAN. Ainsleys 0LD Bleiuled Glenlivct I GLE ,N1()N Extra,S|. ; GLENLION SPEC1AL LIOLEl R 1 SC0TCH \VHISKLY ir>3 City - Carriage M’F'Q- c°. Blacksmith Shop 107 K1NG STREET ; D. i(. BEjfī, Biacksmith Work axd Carri33> R>p3lrli3 PAINTING :AND : TRIMMING In all it« Br,inches, at He«l Rock Prict'S. Mutual TdepL-one 3SJ Give ua a Cail andj»i<lu for yourself. ADMINISTRATIQN’S w NCTi:r. TIIE LNDERSIG?»ED havhig l.. ■ i i •ppohiieU Administr*tor of i. E.»i«it decM8ed^ AK01 " ,at<! Hono nlu. <>a Noliee i» herctv jfiven to ai credi' ihe deccu*cd to pr. «ent !beir eiaims .. h, > rW, n ' , ,r, / a ec. or olhemiae. d aulbendiratfd and »ith the prot<er tou. : • if «ny exi»t to thc aader8&ned . montbs frcm tbe datc hcrcoi or fh- v wil forever b«rred; and «II p. rsona indcbled M ‘ d d ec.-as.d arc r<- ( ncst f.. m.ik--me<ii«te j>»yment at lli- (nliee of ,1. CUn*r of (Jn- en an.l \n . i Stneta, Lj>-Btair«. KAILI PETEL<) KAK< <1 Administrator of tbe E*tat- o P Kakol, (k) deceascd. Honolulu, 3ept II. 18.4. „. pt n , CH^JSr, DE.VI.EK IX Fii]0 (qacd^ Kine Tailoring Fine Chinese uud J'tpane?‘* H:<ndkerchitf9 Nos. 31 to 33 Nuuann St. H u • lulu. P.O. Box 233. i V 5 J. H. TRUSCHLER, Hoot & Shv)emakor. 130 FoH StreH. f Repair>ng. neatly Done |<ialf sole and heel witu ; 1 L*U. Ualf sole and heel sewiug. $1.30. au7 MKDE1R< S vv Co. Merchanl r T'ailor»a tn. £ng!ish an.i Scotch '«eeda on h«ud. Firet-c!aM vork gaar»ob.e<i. it., an-Wr Aruu>{tju Hot»l .R’o -A lo. S. DSCK NIK, MciiU>g»T I icoit.