Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 10, 29 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
vr FIRE AND MAPINE THE ryj>ER5IC.XED IS AUTHOBfZED T0 TAKE FIRE a*d MAP.INE ON Uuildhi2rs, Merchandise, Hulls. Carsroes, Kroi<ihts and Commissions At Curront Katos, iu the Following Cos. e namely: ROYAL INSURAXCE COMPANY. LIVKRPOC>L, ALLIANOE A5SURANCE F1RE A MAKINE, LONDON, WILHELMA OK MADGEBT RG GENER \L INSCRANCE CO. SCN I.\-W'RANCE COMPANY f 8AN FR\NCISCO. .1. AA AI .KEK, for tbe Hawaiiaa Islands.
0R1)WAY & PORTER, U>)bin.<on liloek, Hotd St., hel'i'een l’oii and X>mann. Have Just Eeceivfd. pr 1 »te .Anivals, tl e ] tif.cet !rtciT tf FUB \ N1TURE Ever ImpOrted to this Conntry, Comprising Ha ndsomo Carved Bodroom Bsts ,, 1ii Soli«l Oak. and ot the LA TEST D£SĪGAS. r.SPEClAL ATTENTION 1S CALLED TO TilESE SETS: WICIiER WAnE, Beunt ful Des : gns of Wicker Ware, consist:ng of SOFAS, CHAIUS. ROCKERS, ete., vou ean get theso in i*ny < FINTSH y>u «lesire. 'CHAĪRS, Coniitless n'itnb< rs of CHAIRS, in everv stvle, inc)uding OFFICE an.l HIGH CHAIRS. SICTS1TSI01T TAEL2S, Wo liav.‘ I a»l a numlii*r of calls for tbeso Tables, \vith CHAIRS to mutcb. \ Wo bave now in stock the most b BEAUTIFUL aiNING RQ0?«1 FUP.NITURE L\\ER SEEN HERE. Sicleboards -:\and Cliiffoi?.lers »-Di ixr Divans covered with P0RTIE14S are hecon.iiig quite tbe rage in plnee of LOUNGES -wo niaiiufacture ti:om to order, and have a ! laige st<»ck of PORTIERS to sebct from. '.BEEDĪ1TCGre l AssoitmentofWOV£N WIRE MATTRESSES—Spring. Hair. Moss, Wuol and Straw Mattresses on band aud made to order 1,1 VE GEESE FEATHERS and S1LK FLOSS for Pillowa. CRIBS, CRADL£S, etc. WINDOW SHAD£S of all col >rs and siz s. CORMCE F01.ES, iu wood or br;ss trimmings. K 33 IEI ET.<3--Mattrossos, Lounges au<l all UphoIstercd Furniture rej)airetl at r< asonable n tes. 1 CABINET MAKINO, in all its branches, by €nmpotent Workraen. MATTI>G LA 1* ■ <1 Int rior Deconting ua<ler the Sni>ervisiou of Mr. UEOKOE ORDWA> 0ur Ooods 10 F rst C1 >ss, and our {>rices are tbe Iowest Come aud be c<-nvinced—a tri:.l is s licited. Bell 525. telbphoxes: Mutuai 645. 0RDWAY .v FORTER, Robiuson Block. between Fort aud Nnnanu TKl.miONES; Bell 351 JMutual 417 Resij)exck; Mutual 410 P. O. Box 117 F. B. THOMAS, & C0NTRAGT0R and BUILDER Esitiinates Cxiven on A.11 Kinds or Hllll’li, IHON, ST0NE i WOODEN All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Tradc, Attended to. KEEPS FOH 8ALE: Bnc«, Lime, Cement, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings, OJd 4: New Corrngated lron, Minton Tile£, Vlu«rry Tiles, assortod sizes and coiora; C«iiforni« «nd Monterey Sand, Qranite Cnrbing and B!ucks, etr. etc. t Comcr King <5t Smith Sts. OFFICF. YARD: < O&ee Hours, 6to xa M., ( i’04? y. <