Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 10, 29 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Benson. Smith. & Co., The Corner DRUG STORE Pure Drugs, Piue Perfume^, Prompt Attention, 'Low Pi"ices 2 Comer Fort & lotol Stis aui ARRIVED Per " V s t^ ali v ? French and Scotch Qingh ira>; 10c. t 20c. and 2ōc. Victoiia Lawna 10 ytl;* for 7;>c. While Dr ss G kkIs (n>w).. I0c.. lōe., 2\’ , 2’»c., ;>0c.. 3'»c White nnd Cy1ored'D.mitiea [n-Mv] 20c. aud 2T*c LhiunelleU.'; ull colors, (uew; 10 yils for $L00 oUl raixira—“Tnore isn>t!iing new uu ler the sun'’—knoekeil out. Cull an l be couvince,l. * M. S. LEVY, f Who is now a?ttled >u Baus.»u. Sui th i Co. '* ■ / OKl SUud, Forl StreetHOLLISTER & CO. Imp )rtars. W iolesile aud Betiil Dj.iljrs iu Pine Clornx3, Smoliin.g' f X’oloa.c ro, anu Srio.olrers -i\.xticlesAgents for ihe Celebrated Gr. B. D. PIPJES, MAOELN PARL3. »ag7 PDE1FIED WATER. No Miorob©s. 3UJJC3ED BT TUE COSi3LIDAfEO SODA WATER WORKS COMPA X Y—Lmii ted. T1 c.e3r P'uonnielo. tjne F0u.rLta.i2ns Tino*agh.out; tio.e \Cit3T, EXCErn.Nti ONE • r- • Pui3 a.3 Cx3T3tal. rr TEY IX. XI