Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 10, 29 September 1894 — Church Services [ARTICLE]
Church Services
ST. \.NPBEW'S CATHEDtAL. The serrices o£ the C*tbetlrnl Congregdtion of St. Andrew s C tLeJrnl for to-mcrrow are as fol!ows; 6:3») a. Holy Commanion: 11 a. m Ho’y Comtnanion »nl sermon; 7:20 p. *..! evensong and sermon.
SECo5I» COXGREGATIŌN. The services of tbe Second Congieg it on of St Andrew s C»tbe dr ; to-morrow (c;aDday) will be as fo'tows. 9;4Ō a m., m tming pr«ver. wtth sermon. Venite, R in l.*l in F;TeDeara. KolEāenw in B; B n<'dietus Tarle in A; | ii\mos lV»3 and 231; antbera. : Sw- et Tby M-roy”, by Birnbv. 030 i’.M., even>oug witb -er!uon; M.-«guificat. West in G; Nune I)imittis, Rogers in F;j antt tm, ‘ , B!essed are They That D vell in Thy House|* by T >urs; hynons 220 ann 12 • Rev. Alex. Micki:itosb, pastor fAH are cordi lly invited t np.i>Tivx missiox. Meetings at Haroion\* H;« 11 on King stre*t, betweeu Fort and Aiakea streets. Preachiug bv T. D. GarvSn at 11 a m., aud 7:30 p, m. M rning tlienre: *‘God calliug tbe n?sem!)lies.’ : Evenngtheme: “The mi>si>>ns of Jchn the baptiz t aiul Christ tbe bealer.” B ble ci:-ss ;.t 10 a. ra. All are invited to alteiul. Seats are free. The onliuanee of Christian 1>a|>tism wlil l>e administered at m. V M C A. SERVICE8. S nd >y, 11 a M . ■ t O'liu Jail; 1:15 l’ M , at tbe B irr»cks; 3:3J r m. , B lile stndy at Y. M. C. A.; 6:30 P. M , Gcspel praise serv ee at Y. M. C. A. I -VTTEP. DAV S.\IXTS. Reorg nized Church of Jesus Ciir st of L dter D.iy S dnts; Mili. lani H.!l, renr of Oper:i Hou-e. Services wid be held ou Suuday ,is folIow«: 10 A. M. , Bible cl.iss; 11.15 A. M. alul 6:30 p. M , preaching. Y. LEM SI\G, Dealer in Frnits and Gmceries. Fivsh Frmtn by Every C ilif> rnia Ste:i'i>er, # Eresh lsland Bntter fr*nn H.w.ii. 135 For» Stre“t. Cofiee Ro sted. P »>• Box 169 Presh lālaml Produce. Goods Dehver< dto Any P->rt of the Citv. P'21