Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 10, 29 September 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
Ihe premie*e tonight . , Tbe 0|>er;\ £L>u-e 1» fine. < —: — ‘i ibe A'oha arrivtd thU raorn-1 j in 8- {, B»nd c >ncert at Emxi Square *
onigbt. \ — Tbe perfonnance tonigbt be- i ;ins ut 8 o’eloek. I ! ( Nearly all seits for ton ght's ; K?rfurmnace have be-n taken. 1 1 Mrs. Tbinls delivered a lecture ttt nigbt t) the ortbodox Third >sopbist. Jean Weiner, will sing two of be verv latest h.llails n ‘ T.vo >rpbaus” to nigbt. —. . : Mrs MeLell nd will ass;st tbe • 1 )tiley Co. to night aud play tho ' letestible old Fr*.chard. Tbe finest imported fruits frora >aiifornin ean be obtained at the ?aliforuia Fruit Market. A yonng V)icyclist was arre>ted ust nigbt by the ever-vig laut tolice for not travelling witb a antern. A number of hrrs* s «er ■ sold >y f„ J. Levey at noon t d»y. riiere was a !arge crowd but not i verv spirited bidd:ng. — • — A slitn crowd idt**nded the neeliug of the sdvatiou army ast irglit. Tbe im d iuterfered *itb lbe kaeeling.
Admiral McGregor of the Mokoiii has r» turned and miv i»ecept an engngemeiit as field-raarshal □f tht Salvaliou Army. Mrs. Gillow«y lectured this ! 'fterno>n at her olliee on K ng stre* t. The subject was“Wouien of the preseut day.” A fdse alann 1 the arrival of an Oeei'ii steamer wts g'\en this mornmg froin Wmin ie. It was ' nly tho Pelo ooming. — Messrs Cranstou. Muller, Honuiek, Ferreira aud F»-<ter rc the new membors of the ex»cnt'Ve eomuillee of iho S.*iu utzan C ub. ■' ■ - - ■ The wrecking syndicate h'hi an importiiut meetn g for cIose»l d»mrs Iast night. lhey probably decided to inake all the co;ii possible. One » f J. M. Tr.icy’s sons n.et witb hd acc dent yestord y and broke Im arm. The yoa >g fellow is d»>i» g well under the circumstaoces. Airong the go»'ds saved from the wrecked *‘G. N. Wi cox is a large lok of Ch c»>ry. The :'bnn<lnnee of “pure K na coffVe‘ is u»vv explained. T»>niorrow is tbe d»y to visit Waikiki. Long Branch i»nd S ns Sonci wi’l be tne |»o nta of visiliug bv th»'S* who l«ve fresh air and salt water. Miss Oeneviovo Nan>arv of D »ilev*M comp»ny will assist Miss MeLain ut tbe lomon »de st «nd »>n Taesd.»v eve»iing at tho C tbo!ic F»ir Tho yo>»fig nien w*ll »loulitless be exce dingly dry. The g-»ds saved from * wrecked German bark wore sold nt n» n to d y a»»d fetcbed f»>r prtcos. Thesyndic te is to be congr»>tulut d onitsgood prosp-cts. Another cargo and, tbe b«vs are way a-head.