Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 10, 29 September 1894 — THE INITIAL DRAMATIC PRODUCTION. [ARTICLE]

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D..iley’s new company of playera will make their init : al «ppear.»iv?e to uight in the celebia- j ted nieIo-draiim ‘ Two Orphans. bis pieee is oue «f th« standard draraas of the day and its presentation T snre to meet with favor as the cbarHcters are all strong and tlie scpnes, frora tbe abd >ct ion of Lonise, to the ki.»fe duel betwoen the brothers Jacqne and Pierre. one of unfl igging interest. The f l!o».virg is tl»e cast of characters: Chev«l er de Vadrey Uort : »uer Snow Pierrt* Tbe <*rij>ple] M rtimer Sno» Jac<ine? <brother] Al H. Hal’ett Count *te Limer P. P. Nannarv Jt!\rrju’j* de Preste l>octor Richard Scott Picard Valct te C!ievalier LouUe Belm nr. l.e Flenr I>e Mel!ey Jean Weiner Capt. of Poliee W. K. Dail*-y D’ Crone John How»rd Henniretle Kate Dalgleish I onise Sister**f >tercy Oenevieve Nann»rys Connt de Limer, >iarianne K Belraonr Frocharl K*te McClellan Florette mo’.I e Stockmeyer