Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 9, 28 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
MACFAJ*L\NE a- CO. 1) :i:rn* in \Vin*jt n>> ! SpiriU .aaLaru<nn Sire*t, Hoaoia'n. H. E. McINTyilE A DRO. 0 ;cwn:aY. Feeo Stokf. &. D.\KEi;t. Corner of Kincr >»n.l Fort St<., Honnloln - i J. P11ILL1PS. pp. %cn-. ;al pll meer. gas. fitxb* 1 joppER-sMrr(L J ZS~ Hoase anJ SIiip Jol» \V ork Promptly Exocuted. No. 71 Stveot. Honolnla l)k MoLENNAN. Fort Slreel, fih' vc Hot* !. Mmual T» lephone G-S2. f-»r HHcr; 2s7 ibr re»idencc. jy‘2S ED. C ROWE. J[ovsp S>fjv and Oinamental Painter. M ini'frtCt‘ re <'f l.iqni«l S i(mg. 020 K : ng Su-eet. angl LEWI8 J. LEVEY. Ueal Estiite iin*l ( teiieml Auctioneer. iorurr Fun nk'l C*!H'.)» Strect* iloUii uSi Poi-sou.il uttouii’>u wn to S.iIos of Fnruilnre, Uoal Esf>itc. Htocu .-) u«l Ciencr> i MeiclifUi«liso >litniti 'ivtr iiluiuo ££* “ FAT BOV.” 8 LGON ! t F. McIKEUKV, I ; KUPmhTOK, Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer. Corneh ani. Hctcl St-c Honolulu Carriage Manufactory W. W. WKIC511T, Propuiktok. (Sncccssor to G. Wcst). pAKRIA(iK BUILD1*: am. HEPAIKINO. V> Ail Onler* from tlie Olher lslands in the Builitiitir, Trimiuuir and Paintinr Line »iH Mi-el with Protnpt Attentiou. Blacksmithinr ia Ali It* Varlons Branehes Donc. P. O. Box oJl. Nos. »nd 130 FortStm t. Jyt*.» I> W. S. LUCE Wine and Soirit Merchant ll'im.phell Firt‘j)roof B(ot1c, \rF.itrH\NTKT nn\or ht.ii. n — 71 : B0TH TELEPi!ONKS : 71 —C0XS JLIDATKD— Sv»D.V -;• WATKR W'0RKS-:- C0. (l.l MtTTED.) Gust. A. Mauer, IIA WAIIAX U0TKL BARBEIt Liulies Shampooing a $pec& alty. līonohuu. -auoa. j Anchor-:-Sa!oon Ex “AUSTKALIAC Auother Invoice of tho \\orld KouowuoU FREDERICKS3U.IG LAGER BEER Ou «lrau£bt atid by the keg. v Also. as h Specialty, SUAU FRESH 0 AUFG\NiA 0) STERS. KOIi COCKTA.ll.ts tnayl 3ms VOTKL LL MWM DTP wamel DOt to p»TO«t thoir aiumaW ‘<> ««■ s vllSS 1“** > Kane»ai «ad KaUl ĪLil). bek«np“i! *“ ,'enapued n<* |-'iaUB*. All au»mj* ,a.t «n āti»y«ug ou the th» Utids wiH bo paauiiol ut aliot. 1.F.NTaI wai sing kee. liuuolulu. Au* «045 2&-Uu«ll/