Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 9, 28 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Removal T Hiistace & ®p. HAVF. VOVED TO Morgan’s - Auctlon - Rooms fora‘h-'rtt; ' We ai«tUJ *fUi« . Oeparturc Bay COAL |cilAKCOAL, AT.GER0l5A «n.l EINDL1NG WOOi) in aar i Both Teltrphon« tU •“* ’ _ POUXD MASTER*S XOTICE.
N\ ' fc* > rv'iy i;ivien M all ptrsi>r> that theie .w at :U<. G >ven»n»ent Ponnd st Makiki. t*o str.*bull>. 1 bliok bull br»u'led Kon rigUt hin»l log. I pineo bull bran<! iu>iLs<‘ribable ou — -l*g Anv pewou or persous o» iug theso bull.< •»n> ivsi>ie-;>'l to oouie ai«l t<»ke the saiue on »r before 12 oVI. k noen. SATURDAY, SEPT. 13. IMM. JAMES KI KONA. Pound Mast»>r. M.ikiki, Aag. 30. IS<U. *ug30-l»dj Pioneer Shirt Factory ESTABUSHED 1"T. A. M. MELLIS. Proprietor, 51s Eort St.. Ilonolulu, (Uj>sUirs. (iood Eil C0NS0LIDATED SODA WATER 00. (LntITTXD.) KS1'LA N A D E : Cor. Allen «n<l Forl st<», ; : lloiiolnI■■ !10LLISTEK * Cv).. .*geilt». F0E SALE. A FI\F. “ MIDNIGHT ’’ STALLIO\ eoli belonging to P. D. Isenberg. The eolt c«n be s»-en at the PA\TilEO\ STABLE from lo-momi*. tf. The White Houss! 118 Nuuanu Aveuuc-, HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLANDS J| Fir$l-clags [ieu^e IN EVERY EĒSPr< T. Booms fram $1-58 to $3.00 ptr Wcsk. or 5ūc. per DayPAUL LEMKE. PROPRlATOR. BeII Telephone 132. 22
NOTICE T0 Visi{crs. Pienie Parties, Luaos —AM>— J GEXERAL PUBLIC: vx> At aXLra a Li \sd f.rvsRV Kixg Stbbet. {AJjoicing MetropcIiian ileat Market.] l* tbe PUee in Town rou eun p {??*> 0 **» an.l Sadti Hon»*. | t will ,«,y y ,. u to betore you try elsewhere. Mutual lelepiione 408 «ngl-tf Mvt!«Ti Eyc.. Corotr Kin S » n J AUhe» Strm, •miani (l By Ercrj Ste*mer (rom san Fmn««r»>, with rresh Fruit. 0ysters, x Satmon,Poultry, t,c - B«r, Sk.