Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 9, 28 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
JUST ARRIVED, **4 4-1 V w V • # • BiBY • CARRIAGES OF A.LI, STVLL>. __ CAFIPETS, RUQS, V !N T11E LATEST P1T.XHSS. “HOUSEHOt D SEWING MACHMES ;) Uand Sewixo MachiXās . izr\\\ With lhc L»t«l IuiproTem«‘ip’'“5j
PAELOK Orernns # Guitan‘» And Otber yu»ical In«tmnieii \Vines, Liquois, Beer ALWAY8 0N hand. ani* FX)R S.U.k CY ED HOFTSCHliEGEB 4 00 . < Sf.. opjo Cooke’«< AVA N T K D ! UCKNiTURE, PI8HE8, GLASSWARE, r eioek». W»tihw. Jewilnr, 01d tii>ltl aml 8Uver. ar.il eTor> thinL' »>«>u»r»»t «o* 1 - 4 KlnR 8trect, iorner of Alake*. jy‘-« P. O. Box J0*.» 405 N’uuanu 8t. S. YASU«0RI, >IERCHANT tailor. Dealer in Japanese Goo<\3, Boota and Shoes of Japnnese make; Oheap for Cash, Now Goods b} Every Sleatner. j>’ ‘-23 LKE WI'Mi KKK, 4».» KINO STKEET. T1NSH1TH, am> DEALKU IN Ol.\St>I waie. Crockerv, Oonl-Oil SU>vrs. «atrr l>o»« riumbnig in All lts i!rauch«-s Faithfullv Execnted. ī.' l 8 *^ MACH!NE MADL‘VS POI! FACT0BY, : : KALIHI. T*ro Planla, Ffe»h T'»l'» and U *" Taro at all tinu*s. Ring U|» Mulual Te«ephoi.o 577. Bell 345. W. L. WILC0X, jy25 Manager.
Ho Vbīi Co. Tinsmiths nnd Dealers Crockery, GlAssware, <$c. \TATEK ni’E}» LA1I> AND PLl MHINU NEATLY E\BCUTCD K»> 1* Nunann St, Mwn» Ki»!: »iai A»cn BuiIdit>K j..o 2m CITY CARRIAGECO. Corner KlN\r aiul BKTHKI. St. CAJ^RLA.OKS, AT ALI. IUUTiS. Boih TelepboM0 No. 113. J. S. ANUIIAI’K, Mantger juue 15*tf. CITY DRAYAGE CO. SUud: Que«n nnd Port Stroets. While «nd B!ack Stnd. Draying l)one at Beas<>nable Uatr«. w. r. siiarbutt, mjou«bb. JNTew Ja San \Iarket. 367 Mnu*ak<a Strett. /reab Meal ou Ice 4 Found 25Ct>. -£gbtei. Manaaae. augl