Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 9, 28 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

I.ivestig iting Comrlittee, Geo. L. L>esh.t. S. M. kmakanui. Stephea Mah >ulu. P. O. Boi209. 4oōNuoaauSt. S. YASUM0RI, MERCHANT TAILOR. Dealer iu .Jap*nese Gootls, B>»ots aml Sh.»es o{ J .j.anese nmke; Cheap for C«sh, New Goods by Every Steainer. jv 23 Li:E SUXi KEE, 49 KIXG STKELT. riNSMrrn, and de.\lek in gl\ss- • w»r>-, CD>ckery, Cottl-Oil Stoves, '\ater P's PinmhiuK in All Its Eniuehen Faith1 folly Extfcnted. jyIS-ly MACH1NC MADE O £ ! FACT< RY, : : KAI.IHI. •faro PlHiits, Fresh T >|3 and H>« T.iro at :i 11 times. R5ng Up Mulual Tekph«*ne 577 Bell 34'). W. L. WILCOX, jy25 Manager.

RE.VL ESTATE AGENCY. Honses to reut nnil fors le. R nts collecteJ, conveynncing in iill its Jjr»nches attende<l to \vitb proiu|)tnfSs and deS|) tch. Honollu Re.\l Estate Agency. 103 Fort St. SAM YEE HOP, No. 552 King Street, I)ealer in C -lifornia 'aud HnwAiinn lruits and Veget<l)les, Guava Jelly Te i aud Grnond Coffee, C g)rs jy20 Clioice florses -A--cLction. o\* Siturdi7. - Sspt. 29, at 12 o’cloc'< noon, I wili s°H ! *t P'il)' e Anct on ’ii fr «nt <*f >ny S s R »o<n w tho i reserve, t‘u* f > l< wi-<g

HorsES and Mares, 1 F « »» y b' c’< h*>rse, 15X b-««id» 7 y *:«rs •« d, br t» l»tr—u« 63 «ad s dd <* 1 R c* ii«rs- ‘*Tr ve <*r,” br»t * «u»’** h «rs* i » tu»* H 4s mds 2 By i»<«rses br«><i»o to s .di e uud l»arnfrss 1 Wh t«* »nt«re «rith f «•■>, br *ken t«> s dd e M.id i>i<r«H’ss X W»»it** h rse, brokeu lo s ddle und h»r«»(&s 1 St«uf «rd «oi«re “ llth J »ne,” 1 *• *• w«th f«»:»l 1 Boswell “ 3 yenrs *»ld LEWI3 J. LEVEY, 1 &cir.