Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 9, 28 September 1894 — Another Club. [ARTICLE]
Another Club.
* n 6oraething calliog »ta€Īf tbe Ha«r.iiian K“pablic.«n Cl»b has been forraed goTerument <>fficials of Haw»iian parenUge. Wbat the objeot of tbese hirr» lings of Mr. Dole U remains a mystery besides that pror n themse!ves traitors to their e-iun* j try «od tLeir Q ;een. Tbe names of tbe officers farnish a gaarantee that the Club ia a most barmless j abort. Thev re>d as follow: Pr©sident. Geo. Markham; First Vioe- President, J. H. B.irenaba: j Second Vice-President, t). L. Naone; Recuiding Secretary Chas Wileoi; Secret «ry, Jas. N. K. Kola; Eiecativt* Cora nittee, J.«s. H. Boyd,Chas WiIcox, J. M. Ke>, Thoi. E Cook. J. U. Kawainui; Sergeant-ut Arms, Jas. D. Cook; *