Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 9, 28 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I " irSATOSSUP Sometiioes where (o-i *■ |cli;ise anv p;irficular arti ; uot if yon lmnf>en to ru * .. thing in the line of .€rtists' gur^Iies, i Pictu?e or enl;«rgctl portr«its. ti ; but oue pluee in Hi’no! ; I pnrclmse nil mnteriais k ! ; KINQ BB4 is 81 [!|»ere 13 uo rivnl on • j fslnuds. The finest pn‘nt ngs i>. i{ j*re on exlnbition iu thi> , 1 Thc firm m ikes a gpooi \ ■ enl nrg ng portr.iits ;i\> m > ra»kuig picture fri'i r> very l<«test styles of monl l. ,, In the sheet pictnn'> bave thuns;\nils to s.-K-ot whieh they mvite au iiisj, at a«y tiuie. Iv L N O 1 * IJ ()s . Hotel Street, : : . H •n<>ln'u aug 2.'»-lmd v. m sa.lē ~/ A Complete Himting Outfit. C'ii“ lr sh S* tter 1» foh of * !«cs' bl.» -*l 1 ii A , ' er e»; r g s "1 ihe A. K. ?*. li. Hiul m v broken. Oue l > <»inter I) tch ln t ‘ 1 >‘ e bfrtt- «1 G enbe g 1 th >t e >. $I ' tii Engloiul. V7 O.ie l*np five weolcs«'d f.*: ',er auil 'uolhe r tiM»r«>f;g •!>(■«' (.!->. One R c'<b'iarfl b iiUes,'e‘ 1 f’»r hout;i'g piir|>ose8. One l:i g<nge \,. C. S 11 f l i g 1 ns g »• <1 ; s ne.» i.i il 1.1 fi,i 1 r i *r. Tue hb..vo outfit will bti s al i. Enqinre t.f W. H. CUNMINGHAM. A«chor Saioon. sepl9 tf NOTWE. D Howanl Hitchcock li s r ,- openeel Lisclasses in ilnwii g |>uintii!g at his Class KouUl ( !1 dotel St. Class iustrnct 0'.s giv> n ednesd.iy aud Satmd.iy fro:n S P. M., to 12 p. M. Api I'«r«t 011 f.»r tho full terra sliould bo made ut oueo. 1 CARD OF NOTICE. Scharf <t C ' . will •i"gt n Bl.ek Sfr.et. wb*r. b» r y will b ll*-r ;:b!e t»« serv: «i.d please ine’.r ibtnms. Will keep on bai.d all ii,e la: ?*. pa pers. B o!t Sv'ti*»ucry. Per. -d'c - !«.-», in aii bruuches • I Ihe lr.file. s e !4 poi;nd m vsii:k’5 NoTI(E. Notice is ber»:bv g v «> t:, a! !>ersons tk«t tl». i e are . t ti G"V*-rmueut Puu d xi M.m ki I rtd ho«L-. br.»- dt-d K v <>n 1 g I h»ud h p; 1 br*-wn 11. r . uu "O bra ti; 1 red hunu.*, b>.« *uj SL on r ght nnul hu«. i>f.iu»!--u * HU>>wn (»> iett k,iud h j>, ul*1 wlote sj»ot oa fureh-ad. Auy |>ei-Hon or persuus o v i g th»-se hurses. ;»r« r»q*.)ealed t ■.> Ci*me a«,d |.ik" tt«o «.m.u 1 u > * >Kfor*- 12 uouu, Sat ula\ , Dctober ti. I8Ui. U io Kaapa, P*>U.>d *i;t'.t*>>' kKkii. iiOi. , > -* ■-