Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 9, 28 Kepakemapa 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.
Scptember 1~, 1S94 If we remember e rrec»lv tbe “Chsirlest *n‘' wis the A'*! of tue “Whiie Squ dr*n * t ‘ is t Honoluln. Her arriv d 1 n her >• eomi cru ; se is st ll in the mi' ds of peonle who «ere here on Jaun>n* 29. 1891. Wlien wilh fl g-> at h• If mast and y*rds cock-buiit she ei tered port with the body of Ring K ilakana, the kind ;tt—tentio> s sho-\u hy the oflicers to the King dnr > g tlie voyage to tlie Uiiiie<l St.tcs and tlie, alraost m mn r īn whii 1 tlic body w«s gn.irdecl wh !e be n2 borne *o the Is'ands, end-ared th*> ‘ to the peo;«le of Hawaii. As mueh as it waa in tbe pow-r of the people, t tir apjreciation w s shown t » t!ie officers dnring tlieir stty and when sa led tlie\ Ieft graven «>n t blets of love and m*-m.>rv. evidences o{ tlieir Alo'm f r II 1wa 1. Fcw, if anv. of th“ «flic rs who were here then ar>* on the vessel now; some have re»ehed the :ige of retirement und others have gone t.> oth r vess ds b;t the Ch:irle3tou i> st 11 gre»n in the beait of tlie Hawaii >ns. Have yon ever usml a Pansy St ve? We huve l»een selllng | them for f.»nr or five vears and - jto day they wear tl.e ‘ Ye!low j Coat” iu tlie empire of stoves 1 They are rccoguized by ev ry ; one, even dealers n otlier stovcs, ; as a sn|>enor art eie aml one whieli tliey do uot eaie to rnn «1;» against Of conr.se st ves may be bonght from | eople who ar« j not dealers. We li.«ve peopie rnnning here every d«y or two for fire br cks «nd |iarts belonging to ?toves tliey have bought from olliei’ parties, and when I they find they eannol get tliem they discard their stoves aiul bny a “Pansy ” Yo 1 see there is a disi«lvaiih«ge in bnvin2 dear i O things at low pr ces. C mie n» us ur»d get a Pausy at 815 00 aml yon get full valno h>r yvur nu»-: ney. Y’ou do i’t get a $75.00 range for fifteen dollars, miud yo 1, bnt \ou get a first elass stove that is worth Thirty doilars to any one Onr Re idy 5Iited Paints are s ited to thc wauts of «eop’e who have a 1 itt>e pa nting they want to do themselves. Tiie advant age in l)uying a prep >red |iaint is khat you have the benefit of the best mixci-s iu the United SStites without having to pav f«r it. The paint is ready f«»r use directly yon t,«ke the top otf the ean «nd if yon don’t fin«l it eheap er and better than a««y voncin mix vru>self we re rai<taken n onr experience In C>«lifornia the i>ainters are ns ng tlie pr pared article in ]ireference to bn\’ing lead and o ls bec.nse they fiud it to their advantigo t » do so U e bel eve it is unly a q estiou of time when tbe painters bcre wili fail into line. Hanging lamps are in as gre »t demaud uow as ever. People j seem to w nt soin'thing f »r l:ghting purposcs tli t will giv« as good liglit as the 31.11— t ey fi d it in tlie lato| s »e are givmg a\v*y. Our ehe p staml l«uips :«re «n excelleut tbing f'*r a servaut» room and wid fiud a roacly sile 1 in t!ie Is!a >d st«res. Wo ean &upply any dem «ud for u >ingle lamp or fur a thonsand. Tf.ere's Ms «f Hawai ans wiio&e Kuleanaa need fencing and we have tbe w re with whieh do it. Wo h iveals> thd inaterial ior bailding a fei.ee that; will 3a»t onti| lo g after tbe mil:eniam. Instead o{ p**ymg a hig 1 pr:c- for p sls. or eveii goltmg them for tLe caUrng. your | {eneo will cost yoa lvs» ui acv if you bay sted st«ys aad w.«shers aiid m-«ke a doucs l.oe fctice. V\e h.vo evtryl>i. gyon w.«nt BU‘tW-hanhraro”'.-.nd huOM> far- 1 nishing goo«U 1ne you vris!». Aiai y>e voart inve»ti|ptUi>n as to k..eir quaid> and j nccs. Ta flai£ui aafiwcfs Ca. X 301 f ort 6tre«; ,