Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 8, 27 Kepakemapa 1894 — LADIES'COLUMN. [ARTICLE]
/ Th se who thb;k |hea:-selT F * wnrdlv-wise >ct in v us th->t are b-»th int-:rvstir.g »nd instructive. Yoo c*n pcr3n*d». a bns nes5 m.m ?cto anytb’Dgg' d by the intdigent use f « ?'* S! d m. d-r te arsiunerL but th s b>r no weight w.tb h wom-n Th"\' like irh*t thev bke becn : Thcy are nu*re e\reful. knnw vah?es bi”tter. an.l will rot bc dec iV d ifu ta!k Q nck &* es an*l 8 1 Profits wstboit me.m;ng t. «ou d btr sucde. \\ e do tt.>v it 3r,d d ■ mean it. Oir sa’cs s;. *w y u also. bebeve 5L itst > thns wh may be unaequainted with this f ;ct that we art- tryii g to reacb. We siīd we wouKl ra-; t >n WOOLEN GO 'D8 UTs woek anel -v* we wil!. Wo b <v j b eu ng e ns'Jerabie eii rt t r s rae t tne ; back to r>ay the b st t« be b-d in ! tbe li;;e, lnd will otfet t . - «e s | s nne of thWi:mds mest C shni r s. ever offtTtd in u. Our I evening shsdes c*f C»« ored W -o - eus ;>re pst ve be »ut es ’U f ct i in our liue ot Colored Wt>..lens it j w««a;d be b.«rtl t> ;tsk you fer « nat j vou want aud not ii>.d it. 1 hese g>. ds ruu in all qa*lit.es «itn Quick SuleS and S_a<l 1 roht prices. We have a few rernn:ints cf i Black C>s :mere, j st wh.:t yoi: j want —becmse tbey are your s for ; little raouey. We a!so want to raention Handkerchiefs. We b .ve s >rae ver\ hanclsome en>breidev< cl ones. A s > a good stoek of des,rible p!« n cnes—whiie every e >uuter m tbe store will e >nvmee you >.f ali «o s.v . b >ut Qa;ck S.des and S nall Profits. B. F. EHLER5 & C0.