Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 8, 27 Kepakemapa 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

— j i September 17, 1894. , lf we remember cnrrei\ly ihe _ “ChHrle?t >Q'’ waS tbe firs: o{ t.'.e ‘ “Whiie Squ*dr n ’ t * vis»l Honolula. Her arrival en her second t crn?se is still in the niinds of peopl% who *ere here on /:imurv 29, 1891. When with i >g* at 1 h'iif-raast and y»rds cock-boilt she entered port with the body j of King K ilakaua, the kind attentions shown by the ofiicers to the King dar i g the vo)'age totheUnited States and the, a;most sacred mmntr in whieh the body «as gaarded wli borne to the l5’ands, endeared the “Charleston” to tbe peop’.e : of Hawaii, As mueh as :t was in tbe power of tbe people, tv.eir api>reciation was ahown to th* officers during their stay and when sailed they left graveu on t blets of love and raeraoiy, ev- • idences of their Alulu f>r Hawa.i. Few, if any, of the offic'rs who were bere then ai*» 1 on the vessel now; sorae have reached tho age of retirement and others bave gone to other vessols bit tbe Cbarlestou is still greeu in the beart o# tbe Hawaiians. Huve you ever used a Pansy St*ve? We bave been selling them for fonr or five years and to day they wear tbe '‘Yellow Coat” in tbe erapire of stoves Tbey are recognized by ev- ry oue, even dealers in other stoves. as a snperior urt : fle and one whieh tbey do not care to run up aerainst. 0f coorse st >ves mav O * be bought from people who aro not dealers. Wa have people runuing hero every day or two for fire bricksand >artsbelonging to stoves they have bought from other parties, and when they fiud thoy cannot get thera they discard tbeir stoves and bny a “Pansy.” Yon sse tbere is a disadvaotage in bnying clear I things at low pnces. C>»nie lō j us and get a Pansy at 815 00 and yon get full valne for yonr mo- i ney. You don't get a 875.00 rango for fifteen dollars, mind von, but you get a first class stove that is worth Tbiity dollars to any oue Our Beady Mited Paints are | s ;ited to tbe watts of ueople who j bave a little pa ; nting tbey want to do tbernselves. Tlie advant1 age in bnying a prep .red paint ! is tbat yon have tbe benclit of tho best raixcrs in theUnited Stites withont h*ving to pay for it. Tbe paint is ready for use directly you take the top off tbe ean and if you don’t find it eheap er and better than any yoacm rnix ycarself we are mi*tāken in our experience - In California the nainters are us : ng tho pr*>pared article in preference to bnying lead and oils becmse they find it to their advantage to do so >Ve bel eve it is only a qnestion of tiine when the painters bere will ! fall into line. Hanging lamps are in as great demand now as ever. People seem to w;.nt something for lighting purposes that wi!l give aa good ligbt as tbe san—tkey fi .d it in tbe lamps we are giving a- I way. Onr che:ip stand lampa are an excellent tbing for a servants room and will find a ready sa!e io the Island stores. We ean snpply any demand. for a single lainp or for a thonsand. There’s lots of Hawaiians , whose Knleanas need fenciog and we bave tbe wire witb whieh to do iL We have also the raaterial for building a feuce tbat will last nnlil Iong after tbe mil- | eniom. Instead of paying a high pric j for posts, oreven get tmg them for tle cntting. yonr fence will cost yon less m ney if you bny steel stays and washers and mnke a Jones Locked feace. We have 6Ter}*ihing yoa want in the bardware and hoase furr nisbing goods Ine yoa wisb. And we court investigaiion as to t-eir qoality and prices. TSs Hitaii2i Baiii:ie a. 907 FostStzeet