Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 8, 27 Kepakemapa 1894 — The Battle of Yalu. [ARTICLE]
The Battle of Yalu.
, \ Septemb'T 18. A ' naval\ engagomer.t bas taken 1 p'aee aV Y«lu, wbere a Cbiuese ; 1 8qn-tdro\ was securing the laml ing of a l\rge forca. The lantliug i was t<r cflil witb success, but in thē meankoae a Japanese fleet ; < att »cke<l tb\ Chinese vessels. In the figlitiit\ tbat fnllowed. tbe i Chinese w;i\ ship Cbin Yuen ■ 1 was suni; bv t\o fire from tbe at j 1 ticking fi>'et. Aie Yang Wei. al- ■ ] so belonging V) the Chinese j squ;tdron, in atVmpting to get ; out of range of th\ fire or iu maueuvering for posVion, was run i tgromid. where remained. One other C;iiuese shVi is report- i ed t > havo boen sankv The d:spatchesVa\ that on Moaday last the ChiueV troops consisting i { fonrteeu wa\ships. arrived <>ff the mouth of th\Yalu rivor, conveying trnusportslhavii<g on board t> 000 troops. l<Vvas the intention of Admir»I Tin\to diseinbark these troopsiu throcLb the moutb of the Y*alu riverin order t<> form a f rce with whieh to intercept the J;tpanese advance upoh Monkden, Manehneh, from whieh there is a radroad ruuning to Tien-tsin. \\ hi!e eugnged iu landing these troops, according to this dispatch, n fleet of nineioen Japanese war sbips, accompanied by a fleet of torpedo--boats, w?s approacb;i g tbe river. As soon as tb>-y were witbin rauge the Jap;iuose attacaed tbe Cbinese. T. on followed a terril>le conflict lastingsi\ bours. during wbicb ihe great g ;ns- rapid-firing guns l • ; and maehine gnns and all sorts l of guns were used witb fearful effect on botb sules. Botb fleots ) a!s> used torpetloes repeatedly, | iul lir d at cacb other eoniinu- | oi #ly from tbe rapid-fiiing guns ■nou tod iu the tops of the different war ships. Wusbington, Septexbcr 19. 8ecrelaiy Gresliam to-day ree ivcd tbree cab egr«ms from tl e ' seat of war in tbe Orient. Oi.e from Miuister Denbv, dated to- ! d«y, re.sds: *‘There was a naval eng:»gement in the north of Corea on the l"th. Five Chinese md throe Japanese vessels are rej«>rted dos!roycd. Tbe fleel is | at I’ort Arthur.*’ Auotber from Mu>ister Deuby. dated ytste.*day, rcads: “Telegrapbic communicat on between Feki: gaudtbo Chincse army in Corei bas l>een cnt oft by the Ja[ianese.'’ . I Auotber d spatcb, from MiniaI ter Dunu, at Tokio, dated to day , | was ss f >llows: * Tue foll •wiog b s been receiml from theUuit d Statcs Mmister at 8ooul; Please cab e the depsrtment tbst the Ohineee srmy was tot«ily an- [ nibilsted at t ing Tang/ ", . S;:a.ghai, Beptember 19. A 5 teiegr4m frm Tokohsms has ■ betn reeeived here cooffrming ihe repoiis tbst tl.e Japanese ; were v ctnoas in tbe bsttla ou [ t! e Talu river It &ays th-it tbree ; Cbin<fce war »bips weieaunkanu r tb«t oae vas i*ur.>ed. Ao Jaj aI iiwo wwe iOiS tho 1
patcb asserta. Tbe Ja}*«nese war ! ships Matsa?hima »nd Yosbmo * and tbe tninsp rt Saikiomara ; were dan«age\i, whitcxtenS | tfce dispatch does noi state. Tbere was great loss of Iife on ooth i sides