Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 8, 27 Kepakemapa 1894 — JAPAN VICTORIOUS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Cr:reat Battle\ ! The Chincse Wiped ®nt on Land and Sea V l’okini r Thrcatonoa\ ( j I A gigautic naval battle bas ' takeu piaee at Yalu ou tbe i7th inst in wbicb the Japanese fbet j annibiiatei1 tbo Cbineseoquadron A battle «t I’mg Yang was fougbt ! a few <iays before «nd euded iu a ! most glorious victcry fur tbe Japauese army. Tbe w.ir, if continued, will now sbift its sceues froru Corea fo Cbina aud tbe f «ll of Pekingc;<n be lookeil forw.ird to as a suro I ovent. Tlio following disp.<tcbcs wbicb eeem to bo geuniue will tive nn idea c<f tbe situatioD; Shaagbui September 17. A battle w.is fougbt at Piug Y.*ng, Corea, betwocn tbe Cu;ueso an<i Japaneso troops, lasting tw<<days. j Tbe Cbimso army of 20,000 men surrondered. Tlie uttompt 1 of Amenean and I5rilisb war correspondents to proceed to tbe j scene of the fight have beeu un- j successful. Wnshington, 8eptcmber 17. i Telegrams havo been received i by tbo Jupanese Legution, au- I nouncing a generul eng;igement 1 between tlio Japanose aud Cbinese forces at Piug Yang. uear tbe ! nortbern frontier of- Corea, on j the 15th inst. wb:cb resulted iu a dec sive victory for Uie Japanese. Oflicials of tlie logatiou state tbut lbis is tbe oAieial intoliigence roceived regarding tbe figbt in Nor(bern Corea, eoneemiup whieh there bave Jbeen <o tuany r.imors. Tbe 0'r(tf)hic, iu au article undcr tbe caption **Tbe Cbinese Sedan.” commenis ou ihe battle at lengtb. Tbo Jap;<n< so, tbe ariiele aays, 'Tiave managed tbeir campaign w itb a grasp of military aeienee and soldier!y ability des-1 erving of the utmost cred t. Tbu StaU(iani says: Tl:o Jap- I anese bnvo ovi ry re«son t<* pride 1 tbemselves upon tbe eieellenee of their uiilitaiy arrangement8, but ' it is not safo to assumo tbat the victory of tbe Japinese will ineline tbe Cbinese to sue f>r l*eace, Defeat in tbo past has ouly nervod tbe Cbinese to more strenous e fforts. It is niueh more probuble tbnt tbe Ping Yuiigfigbt will bav«? more tbe etfect to embittor aud prolong tbe strugg!e tban tbat it wili rcsalt iu China’s volontaiy self-effacemeut in Corea. Tbe Chronide says: The Japaneso army baa done its noik bravfly »nd bnlli«ntly. but tbe navy will now bave a tougb task. lf they eau defeat the Cbinese Pei Youg squadrou. tbe Japaueso forces w<ll certaiidy Iand ii< Cbma aod reduco Port Arthur and Wei hai wei from tbe laod eide and poss:bly attempt toseiztCanton and «dvauce 0}h>u Pekiog Wheu tbis happena the end w II noi be f«r off. The city o( Pirg Yang. wbicb has jnst beeu besieg ed by the Jap. is oue of th*most import«nr strongbo!ds in Corea. lt :s a LieA -natur <l fortress. aituated /' the province of Ping Y«ng. L) u tbe wst it is proiected byf ste«?p, m. ot tainous ridge, oo tue a otb by the river &nd on the north ky a hilL Tbe C»overu«r iives at Picg Yang, «hioh is s«id to con-istuf aLuul 3(0,(00 Iic*lu»cs «avu pOO.UOO men ‘ou ihe xnu£tcm)U liS du(y.

Go!d and »ilver mine? are ’ ] repcrted to ahouni in the pro- e vir.ee. bot tbe Govern , nent does 11 not permit them to be worked. Lo.m>o.v, Seplemberl6. —A dis- t patcb from Ping Yang, Corea, i sy» lbal every hour adds to t f .e a crn-bing character of tbe Cbinese 1 d«;feat- Tbe tolal Cbinese l-*s?es are now said t: be over 17,000 ; killed, wounded and prisoners. The Chinese prison«-rs not wonn<led na bervd 14.5*0. It is pro- * bab’e tbe number wih be increas- * -d <Ioriog the next few d*ys by * pr -ione/3 wuo are beirg const*ntlv brocgbl īn by the Jap«nfse , cavalry. Hesides Gener«l Tso | Fonk W«i., commander-xn-cbief i of the M;inchnrin army, wbo only i sarr-ndered when I e was badly • 1 woonded, tbe Japanese captured Generds Tso Paok Woi, Wei Ink Wei. Xayn Kow Eng and Sei Kin 1 Lin. practically all of tbe etfective Cbiuese staff. Tbe Cbinese 1 prisoners are to b* sei.t to J.«pan ' ui batcbes of 1000, on Japanese ; J ti-ansport9. lmraense quantitie9 of rifles 1 and sTores are stacked in tbe y pnhlie sq ;ure3 at P<ng T ang. * Tbe Chiuese pnsoners are fair.y j e tnell treated.