Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 8, 27 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 [ADVERTISEMENT]
£>ong Branch -8Ā7M)NGtablishment. !!■* Rf-''>rt ba/l>«n enUrgevl ar.vl i? n>>w oiwn ti /-.o -c. 1: - :h-> ' ■ ;! • ■ Tthe -lanii' t-> r; >y 4 at . •s no better olaee to 5ay off. ial for - fes. Tr.->mcar9 the d xir ev i!f hoar. and on Satarday* and inday9 everv fifteen tninutee. J. SHERWOOD. Froprielor. lo\/eJoy &co s Wiqe \ Liquoi t Oealei^ 19 Nuuanu StrtH*t We tvould C;il! y..ur attention lo Our S;><cial Brands Longlife <$ Pure Cream RYE WHISKEY. Fredericksburg BEER au2 in caska or bott!ca ! — T. B. Murray ls 1 4*1 tO IM* * Ollllll On tii 4* Olil Nlaml, \«. I I : King Hiliium Ul i CARRIAGE AXI) MW i rn n r rrnri 1 (»ocs On. | When the *‘PEOrLES’ , | PARTY” g-*U smu.-*hed he will bc rea<ly EEPAIE PilNP &H0 !B1« 1! s At a Eeaiionahlo F.gure. — No Eitra Charge for Farnisbing lliena witu t’ miaou Seuso. let t:ik >i ring op f MUIUAL IhiLEl’HONE 572. i.’l la 1 Ohas. T. Uuliek I , NOTARV PU8LI02 I .ww For the IsUad of Oaha. Agent to Take Acknowle.lgtnents to Labor ContracU. t Agent to Gruut Marriage Lieeneer». Honulnia, Oaha. Agent foi*be Haw’n Ialands ol _ ; Pitt * Sc«tt » Freight * akl ParceU Expresa. - Agent for tiA Rarlingtoa lioate. Hsai Bstale Brjier M Geaerai 1 Bell Tel. 318; Mnt. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. OFFlCE; No. 38 MERCHANT n Siroet H>>uoiaiu H •*,