Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 8, 27 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Extra ORDINARY Good NEWS īoa .... HOUSEWIVES 3rd ALLY lSCUSED ¥E\ S. Kubey & Co. N » Nuuanu sir-et. opp< a te Oi.tr.ii Meal M» net Secoml Haini re IV>I«rs. have iinp rte<l s.n er.or ji »ua Kinoun*. of furniture:, From the C ’>ast Thev are prep»ml to SEL .. the B st at L()WEiS[ PH/C'KS Money is tigbt and /one of ns lmve more tli n \ve kn/w wh»t to do with. KL T BKV & V O. roalize this, and nre decreas'y»g prufils tt ■<uit the tiiues. If you know (he/aiueof mon-y den witn S. KCByT & C>>, for in their st<>re. O ;e I »il ir goes forther towurd bnyijp FUR>1TURE than thi-60 ;it 'u/y other pl. ce in the town. On Satur/jy eveai»gs, ojn?n to 9 p.m. / / 3 Don’t f >/c e t ta« ad< 1r s< r KUI EV vt CO.. Cen(ral M. M r; t P ;,•/ ppr-. v s having Furaitnro will do Wt ll by c<lling o;i ’ 8el0 tf. lational lfon Wop^ Qr£EN Sxr.EET, Betweeu Alakea & Kiehanl Sts, ’HE CNDERSIGN’ED irv prt,)ar- i x make nll kin'.U of Iron Brr.ss, Bronzc, Zinc, Tiu and t.ead C*st>aK«. Alto Qeneral Repkir Shop for Sleam Enpiue*., Eioe MilLs, Corn Mills, \Vater Wberl i, Wlnd Milla, ete Uachiaes !or tue Cleauing of Coffte, Castor OU», Beaas, Ramie, S;sal, Pineapple Leavos otber Fibrons PlanU, And l’aper Stovk Al-o M.ieuine.i for Sturoh frow the M.mio ■, Arrow e!c. All OrJar» prompt!y atten u ta. //HITE. RITMAN <T\ CO. VIf4Q -!- F /»1 -s- Cl-| A [4 —; FUR*nURE DēALERS. ;— Beg to inform the puhlle tbat lbey have open<sl a Brisch Store at No. 322, Nua;nu St„ Where they carry a com,.Jete l’.n- of BEI)ROOM SETS. CHAlR' TABI-E3, WARDROBES, STANDs, Etc„ Ele„ Etc. : Farnlture Kepa<red »o<l (i»n<r«l JnkMif at Rra<oo*blr R«lf«. VING FAT CHAN, . F*ctory, v-orner of Km- and Bethe! StreeU. I sept 6-3ms CHL\ KEE. HORSE4l!OEING SHOP, Mannake* * Pauahi Str.-‘*f. Jiew 9et alUw- nd f • jj* OLi set ail Jronnd afcl ** Sest D. , or to No. 5 Engina Hooa«-. *uk I ?- d er OOKNEK OE Nuuanu &rd Bcn*t&nia.3lrfet<«. 561 Both TeLfphonm:- n 561 GOOD. RELlAB‘a.E axd jy27 u CiVXLi>KiV:-.K3b