Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 8, 27 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
M \CFAiiL.\NE & CO. īh>n *\Vior* <i,< { Spirii* K Mlimimi S‘,net, Hoo 4n!a. H. E. McIXTTRE A BRO Gt. k eky. Feei> Stoke k Hakerv. „ Con»er of »tn<l Fort Sts.. Honolnln J. FHI f Jj1 PS, PR \CTIOAL l’LOMKEE, OAS.I ITrEB X)PPEE-8MtTH, Honse an l Sliip Job W ork Prooaptly ExecuteJ. No. 71 King Stroet. Honolnl i. Dk Mel.ENN AN. Fort sImvc Hotel. Mulnal Te!t*j;hon <>-2. f>>r elHee; 287 r'or re>idence. jy28 K 13. C HOWE. Housc Sign and Oinamenial Painter. M..ntif ct r t f F.iqn:tl S’ it’.ng. G2Q Kiug Slroet. n::gi LEW1S J. LEVEY, Ueal Estate aiut f 7euel-.il Auctioneer. ■j.-aera'<>rt ainl Qucca 8trect>? Hoao’nle l*erson:il atteuti ’n g ven to S;iics of Fnrnilnre, Re.tl Est:\te. Stock and Generi i Mhi o1 1 a i<< I ise. Mnln.il l'ehohoee 23S “FAT BOY." 8 LOON ! P. McIKERXV, Pboprietos, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. OOKNKK r,KTIIKL AKI) HOTKL STS. Honolulu Carriage Manufactory W. W. WRIGHT, Fboprietor, (Succc-!*or to ('i. West). f "*ARKIA<iE lil ll f>IN<. vni. KEPAIKINO. V/ All Onlers from the Other Islamls in the « arrlage (Jitild!mr. Trimmiu" atjd Paintlng Line will Mect ' wlth Pmn?pt Attcutlon in All Its Various Branohes Oone P. O. Box 311. Xos. 13S and 130 FortStreoi. jyI9 Iy W. S. LUCE * / Wine nnd Sr>irit Merchant h ire-proof lUoek , MFiRGHANTKT. HOM)! I*L0. 71 ; BOTH TELKP-IOXKS; 71 -CON*SOLIDATEDSODA AVATER WORKS -: C0. (l*tMITTBD.) * Gust. A. Mausr, HA WA11AX U0TKL BARBEU J.adks Shampooing a specialty. Honolnlu. aug4. Anchor-:-Saloon Ex -AUSTKALIA f " I Auothcr Itivoice of the \Vorld Reuowoed FREDERICKSBU1G UGER BEER On Jranght and by the keg.* Also, as a Specialty, Small Fresh California OySTERS, EOll COCKTjA.II> mayl 3ms XOTICE. «uiiuu <ierson« a» w»ra«i to , animaH u» tro-s|ia»s «>n ih» js*»i »u.i K*»-ihai, heK«cj.nug Kgued n» P !a3Wrs ‘, »uua ou «ti»viug oa tbe nee iaad» ttO ® udjfd or «hoL ,EI!iTAl WAI SIXG KEE. K»;uiu, Aoō- 'ii loO{.