Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 8, 27 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
u THĒ v&*ca '- *« a4a ft> — u ALL.” — Wr Mutual Telephone 31T.
• UTEST NEWS [By tbe Mariposa.] G«lesb ;rg (III.) September 19. —Alix. beat the vrorld’s reconl by coming nnder the wire in 2;03J. Lexington. September 19.—The Breckinridge men have given np Ih* 1 fight, and the committee will Dudoubtedlv declare Mr. Owens the nomiueo next Satrnday. Manag'ia (Nicaragua), Septem- • ber 1S. —The reports of an impending revolution here were ofiiciully denied to-d«y, and it is declared by those in authority that the plans of tho conspirators have been frnstr tted. London, September 18. —S. Proctur, t’onsul in Londan of Madagascar, said to-day, with reference to France sendiug Lerayre de Villiers on a special inissiou to Ant-i1tanarivo, and the reports in tlie French papers that if tho Hovas, the rulmg natives of Mid igtscar, rejected the demands of France to be made tlirough Lemyre de Villiers, an ex]>edition wcnid be sent to conquer the Island. New York, September 18. — There has been no recouciliu»ion between Mr. and Mrs. W. K. \ an derbilt. Chicago, September 18—Dick Roohe, bao-er of Jake Sch efor, [ to-nig >t deposited with J H B dlard, city editor of the InterOeean, $500 f.)rf-it t«» ga*rantee u challengcj agiinst Frank lves to play an eight n'ght m.itch. Si$ n'ghU are to be a fonrteenineh bilk-Iine, 600 po nts per night, and two n ; glits aleuahion ciroms, 400 points eidi night, the matcb to be for $2500 a side. Clioice jlorses Saturday. - Sept. 29, at 12 o’eloek noon, l will sell at Publ ; c Anct»on in front of my S »l*-s R >otu withoi.t reserve, the folIowiug Hdpses i and Mares, — 1 Fj»inlly hluek horse,15$ hands 7 years o!d, br.>ken to har—ness and s iddie ' 1 R«ce horse “Tr«veler,” best i miie horse in the Hawaiiaii I lslauds 7 Bav horses broken to sadd e aud harness 1 Wh te m»re with fonl, broken to s dd e a;>d harness i 1 White horse. brokea to saddle and baruess 1 Stauford mare “ llth Jane,” 1 “ ** witb foal 11 Boswell “ 3 years «»ld ’( i » » LEWIS J. LEVEY, Auot»oneer. 2Sr©w Japan Miarket. 367 Uaunakea Fresb Meat oo Ics 4 Pound 25C ». iUuagt-r
Don't Buy Second-hand Box Mattresses impnrted frora the Coa«it, lo»d d with vermin aifti perhaps infection * IF YOU WANT AN Uf*Ho‘-sxE'\Eof^jTi\Ess Co to a >ble Dealer «nd g t one made new. If the pub :c knew as unieh about the C'Mistruction of BOX Mhttresses as they oug it. they woukl n t Buy them. They are miserab!e friU'is at their hest, you CtnU'>l tell what they st;i ffed wt ). They are c <mbersome, uneiean and unh«althy, and are ut least 30 years behmd the ag j , eannoi be pnrc vised in a live g> ahead plaee m the East. - Buy - A Wdveīi Wire MattrESS and be well abre;>9t \vith tho t mes ■nd wlien buying ask for Bailuy’s H'ino’.tki made, N«n-corr>sive Solid Comfort Sori g theu you will not be trouhled with a b ll of ri‘pairs «vt ry few mo ilha. Buy a Woveu W‘ire M ttre<i3, A Non-Corrositie Mattress, A H-nolulu Mude >i;.ttress, A Good Wholesorae MattressJ N*t a Box M >ttre«s. For sale hy a 1 re«|iootjbie dealers iu tbe city aud by W0VEN WIRE BAILEY, Hotel Street. Honoh.lu, (next dcor to tiorn’s Steam B.ikery.) aug 14-lm THE COMMERCIAL 8ALOON Harry Klemme, Manager Cor. Nauann »fc Beretmia sts. Houoluln, H. I. The Only Sportmg Honse in Town. O. *B. a Specialitv. L0HENGRIN LAGER iBEER, Aiways on Driught •2 GLASSES FOR 25 CENTS. Best of Wines, Liquors, and Ci$ars, ALWAYS ON HAND. iul tf CITT CARRIAGE1C0. Corner K1NG aud BETHEL St. CARRI at all hocbs. Boih TeIeohou« No. 113. J. i ANUKA J£. -V *aagex )\.ae i.o-1 L