Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 8, 27 Kepakemapa 1894 — THE POET TALKS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Wlio haa lired in our glorjous c’t 8WW llaa not quencheil his thirst nt the An. cbor Sa|oon The Iiquors and beer there are fit for a primate So take my advice —y n can’t tret there too suon. If you want to be hnppy, go aee Bil!y Cnnningham He is the fell w whose mnaxims I pieaeh He never misses wlien h • goes out guning ’em But kills everr pheasaqt that oomes «ith.u reach. Would you tnow the true reason of Bil- ; ly’s prosperity ’Tis that he always keepa Fre<lecriksbusg l>eer And ean wvll afford therefore to laugh 1 with temerity At those who neglect to p»rtake of hie cheer. ; Kotwithstanding the cavils of jealo*us eo- > j sportsmen ! : He sells Long Life whiskey and > galore — —“ tVhen broke in the m rning ue reads all yoor thoughts, men And if yon ’ve hot coppers will give yon eome more. These verv- same sportsmen fī) are try- ■ ing to down him But spito of their je*k>usy BiUy son i ! top. i 1 Of Hawaiian shoDters the Kiug we must crown him And drink his gord liquors while left 1 there’s a drop. I ! So e-ome to the Anchor anJ ioin in a f scboo?ter ■ Of Fr.edericksbnrg. iee cold from Billy’s s | new tap * ! Had yon known ’t was so good yon wonkl sure have eome sooner 4 Aud dreame>l you were hvi ,g io lnxnry’» s lap. BAXG.