Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 8, 27 Kepakemapa 1894 — Personal Notes [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Personal Notes

Mn. W A;drich and Mrs W. M. Gdf«rd *returned to town this morningintbe Mar pos* | E. C Macfariane is in towa sgain lookine a great deal better since his short v«cation Tbe Mott—Smith f«mily re- * ceived a weleome &ddition tbis j morn ng. Three d<ugbters of Mr. MoU -Smith returned from abroid togetber with the Misses S:evens who wiil take a look at the Par«dise of the Pacific. 1 l.ie>itenant James Mitcbeli of the L'. S. anny is a tourist. Mrs. M itobe 1 nccompaQiesher husband in bis excursion. W. D. Bear, tbe chief cf tbe i Sydney fire brigade is a passenger ion the Mariposa. — I A Gerberd;ng, a | Californ'.a !nerchant ara|Ted this morning M — Philip Kyle of the salvatiou anny is ou board the Mariposa 1 on his way to Anstralia. He t >ok iu the t >wn to-day. W. -N, Hires who is famous as the iuventor of root-beer, is in towu Mr. nnd .Mrs Hiresarrived in the Muriposa thismorning and will j>robabIy remviu here for a few weeks. Mr. C. O. Bergar who was ex pected tlrs raorning will ret>irn iu the nest boat.