Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 26 September 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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Euitor Holomua: Cin it p<'ss Llo. tliat a politienl orp«nissti<>u ean beformedby n ?o c«lled 0.)}>t, Clias. K’Ienune of tho p<*licefore«, h ; s l euieuanl» ferg ants, corporals, pr vates, turnkeys, nightclerks nml I) <u>tsiders, tbey holdlng as 1 presume their «bove so ealleil pos t ons elr©«dy, uuder the present adtninistrati\> Hepuhliet Iho |)ublicatic>n iu yonr lust night s report wnuld niake hon r•ble p oyio believ*, thnl tl>e majority of thcse names so j>nb lifbed. h»d eome to tho H.iwaiimi lsUnds as fre<* n.eu, h«d their full facult es, were e<rnest sup portcrs of the pr, seut Republic aud bad arrived i.rih > conntry without having been .8hip'(ied ss plautition Uborers. (>xe Wno Kxows. Honolulu. S:‘pt. 22. 1S1<4.