Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 26 September 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
The de th ol Pu>fes*or Iw''obolt7 in Germany, d» pr re«N’-li*' wor!d of one f t;ie grientists aud beuef.trtur» o’t\e centurv. llis iureuttou of ophtalraosc pem ilehim f<moas' many a suffer< i h.is had "'»od cacse to thank tbe gre*t physieian for €«tnb’ishing or • t ;e-jst dev -toping t'ie science ><f oohlalrao!ogy to its pr ee t L - gh ftinding. The profe9»or who \vms honor*d by «il eoiiuliiea uf ti.e world war 73 years ol J.