Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 26 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Golden Rule Bazaar, Depot for NLWSPAPERS asd PERIODICiLS by every incoming steamer. i Sab>criptions Payable in Advance. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES. This MaeLine is the K«ng of al!. On t vou ean make a Loekstitch. Chain-stitch. Embroidery, I5atton-holes, R jfHes, Tucks. Guitars, Lawn Tennis, Baseball, Croquet. Stationery and Llank Books at Cash I’kices. IIand Sewing Machines from eight dollars and !?half up. [jy27 T. H. Dayies & Co., ✓ Fresh Feed and FSour From WASHINGTON. Liona Fiour, Oats, Barley, j\/iiddlings, Bran, er “ W rrimoo,” Just to H nd. IMew Dry Goods Crockery, Hardware, Groceries, ToJlHand. 3 fobJ — BaileyCHo iolulu‘;Made Wira Woven Matressesland Hammocks jy24 * WE rS'VlTE all smokers l To eall iaapoei avr Ute :mport»tion oi ŪM» OoIpb.-J.Uxl ii. B. D. p.p<S.