Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 26 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HW» HOLO|WdA, s PCBUSHKD []vcrv ifV.ltera.oon \CtrT SCNDAY CT XIIE Hole.nua PubIishia2Co. At K: i->T St. (Thom.is block), lloaolnlo, II. I. per j£:nth. 50 Cts. r 1- d«lĪTered by Carrieni in the ;,wu *'■ i -nbarb«. Single Copie»i fsr bfcle ai t News DealorR an'i «t iLe OfBce of pobbc»tion. £JIIJM HORRIē, - • Editor P, M. ROORēY, - - Manager NOTICE. A!! Ba«iness Com:nui.'lcation8 shonld be i(ltiressc I io P. M. KOONEY, HonoInla, H. I. r.irres]>onaenoe nnd OonannniealionH lor j c!,.i «tionsboald beaddiwwdtotiie E«litot ll.iWAii Halomaa. No notice will l>e pnid U> iiiiv auom'inou» eouiaiuuications. Hasine.ss Cards VOLNEY V. ASHFORD, Attornoy uml Couuselor :it Law, ! Ollieo, Site of tbe OUl 13etbel— I \Vest Coruer of Kiag uml Hetbel S<reots. jy2l A. F. P£T£BSON t ATXOKNEY AT LAW. Office: 113 Ksabmuanu S'.roet, Honolnla Hawaiiau Islands. CHAULES CRE1GHT0N.! attoknt.v at law. 051 113 Kiuihnmann Strect, Honolulu liavrniian lslands. l’AUL neumann, attorney at law. 314 Mercbaut Stroot, Honolulu, Mutual Telepbone 415. | (L.\RENCE W. ASHFORD, attokm;v and oounsellor at lJt\V. OIEoe. 01d Capitol Butlding, (Honolnla j Uale), adjoining Post Honolula.. A. ROSA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, •So. lō KaahumanuSt., Houolalu. Hawaiian islauds. H. F. BERTELMANN. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER,' 86 King St., Bell Telephoue 107. F. H. REDWARD, OONTBACTOR and BUH OEK, No. ōiMl Kiug Street, Houolulu, Hawuiian lslauds. WILLIAM FOSTER, ATORSEY AT LAW & NOT.\RY PCBLIC. Houolulu. U. I., 13 Kaahumanu Street. jy24 A. G. eOKUEA, WATTOKSKT AT LAW.JS 30. Merchaut Street, Honolulu. jy20 Feruuii(les & Gomes W iloLEAALE California Wines and Spirits, Nc*. 5U2 Fort St.. Honolula, H. I. 1’ 0. iii>x 4S6,*Mutual Tele. 140. Jra CHI,\KSL WIP C0MPAS r, S3j Botu T»i.kpHxnes 3So Stand Corner King and N-Hiinakea Sireet«. H«cks »t All Hours. jy27 “•.IPOHAN,” IMlMK i'EK DEALEK IN GENERAL « Meiylua»di«e Exdasively a( «Aiiciactar»—wuuLESALC A RETAIL. 3W aad a» Farl Sti«H.