Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 26 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
3!1I ■?! 9IHX j : (W *« ī* “4* 1° °Kj di!o^j)wjjsag S3A1?SM03
?iasst Importsd Kere. [8PECIAL PRĪCF.' FOR 5 CA' 1N LOTS, M AINSII\ l tW'S Celebrated Brands of SCOTCH WH1SKEY Xamely: BEX ALDOCHLAN. Ainsleys OLl) Blcnded Glcnlive GLE ,NION Extr.i. Sp
6LENLI0N SPECIAL LIOUEUK SCOTCIl WH1SKEY. i r» City - Carriage Go. Biacksmith Shop 107 KING STRE!iT D. \. BE[ilT, Mj\na^er Bl2cksmith Work CjrrĪ3j’ PAINTING : AXD : TPJM.MING In ail it- Brj ncbes, at ]5ed li ck Prices. Mulual oS2 Give us a Cull and j'idg for yoarseif.. j V 23 .1 ki.iWa • THE I. N’DERSIG’«ED havin){ bern du!7 appoinie»! Adra:niwtrator of tne Est»te> Petelo Kakol (k) lale ot liono olu, Oahu decewed. Noliee is hen 1 y given to ai credifor-..t the deeea.«ed to pn-8ent lheir elaim* wbt*ther K*cnred by >1 olaaee. or otherwise, duiv antbendieated aiul \\ith ihe proper voueher~. if any exiat to Ihe ttnderaii;oed whhin >>x motrth- from the date hereot or th* v wiil be fore\ er tarml; and all per»on* iadebted to tbe said deceased »re r |u.-t to make in ■ meUiaīe payment at the Olllee <>f J. K. Kaft.it, Corn. r of (jueen aud Nuuaim Streets, Up-.-tuir«. KAILI P1TEL( >TftKOI Administrator of the Estate ot Pet. io Kakoi. (k) dceeased. Iloaolulu, Sept II. IkW. *er.t II-3tr. YKK CHAX, 1)EAI.ER I.\ Fii}8 Fine Tailnrc" Fine Chmese and J «panesa H;<ndkerchief3 Nos. 31 to So N :uttnu 6t. H inolulu, P.O. Hox 258. ivo J. H: THUSGHLER, Uoot Shoemaker. 130 F<ni t Sirtet. Rep;tir»ng, neutiy D >ne. ’nah' sole uhd keel wit:i ll.'W. Half 3ule aud boel |1.50. au7 Mi.i) -;h; > *: eo. Merchant Tailor> • Aniennu, ..n ! S‘- :i _ • , T*«Jw oa ha; .l. E.r-4-c':s» !. J«rork -njjr.»utte>l. uatk)f Anmifoa H>«l !>• Uonoluio. s D£a<KR Uuu*£ftt ' -: - ! Ui>)3. ■i