Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 26 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
* Firc, Iiife & Mariric INSURANCE. & HARTFORD FIRE INSURANTE CO.. Assets, $ 7.109,8*25.49 [ LONDON-LAXCASHIRE FIRE INS. CO.. o Ass€-ts. $ 4.317,05*2.00 THAMES-MERSEY IXS. CO., Assets. S 6,124,057.00 B NEW YORK L1FE INSURANCE CO., Assets, $137.499,198.99 C. O. BERGER, Geaeral Agent for the Hawaiun Is aL.:s, lLoa< lu a V l=j t Ei S( B^o IMPORTERS AND DEALEES IX Grroceries, 3Provisions AND JUeed 5 EASi C0RNER F0RT & KINO STS. New Croods Rec'd By every Packet frora the Eastern States aud Europe. Fresh California Produce by everv steamer. All orders faithfully attended tn, and Gonds delivered. to . any part of the city FREE 0F CHARGE. Island Orders Solicited. Satisfactiqn Guarantocd. Pcst Office Box No. 145, Telephone No, 92. f J . 0. Bnx 430. Mutcal Telephone 245. The Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Buy , NewandSecond Hand Furniture IS AlT TtIE King CORXER OF & Nuuanu Sts. I X LHonolulu 1«. L jj-30
S. NISHIM'JRH, Commission Meivhant, 19 Nnnanu Str»et, Ilonoluln. I IMPORTEHs »nd DEALEKS Ln JAPAN TEA DRT GOODS, SILKS and PROVISICNS. Xr«|Gooda bjr Cvtrf $ltimtr. Molual Telphone. 317. sept 6—tf. SMOKERS, ATTENTIOX. Hollistcr A Co. have received a farther snpply of the celebrated G. B. D pipe« direct frum the factorv as well as a new stocs of amber and meerschanm cigar aud cigarette h tders. Also wai Uiaiehe#. * lNG CP MCTCAL TELE. 312. NIEPER’S 6aggage Express, OtBce, 22» Fort St>. Hoaolulu. H. 1. Baggage and Furniture Carefu)ly Uaadied «nd Delivered at Sbort j Notice to AU Parts of the City. Suud on Cor. of Fort & Queen Su. XOTICE. 1d furar» all BILLS tor undertaking will Iba p*jiola on preaen:ation. W* are eomi p«l.«c io reaort to ihi* mla, oa aoeoom oi tb« iaafathtT to eolke; th« BUjority at onr r 'adertakxng btU* after fnoeraU aro orer. wnUAMS BB06, «0^7-1 ED. A. WILIIO£S. Uas*ga.
PANĪHEON 8ALOON, V ° FOKT AND ĪIOTEL STS. Headaaar{ers En{erprise Brefim Co. tīib Largf*st Consignnient of Beer that ever arr.ved here, on Draught jyH J. DODD, Prop'r 8L\Q YIE.\ UEE, TINSM1TH and DEALER 1S TISWARE. I I * < ' ■ ' Piping L iid and Repaired. Ali ;Orders Promptiy Attended to. i Charges Very Moderate. C«Il aad See Us. No, 222 Maanakea St., (ilooolulu. jy20 Im 290 Ring Up 290 United Carriage Conyjany 3 M. REIS 5 J. C. OUINN