Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 26 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
cr INSURANCl-:,-« FIRE AND MAPINE THK USDEBSIGNED I> AUTifORIZKD X0 T \KE FIRE a su MAKINE RISK.-f ON I3uildiii<zs, Merchandise, Hulls» Cars:oes, Krei<?hts and Commissions * At Curront Bates. in tlie FoIlowiog Cos. >amely; ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIVERPOOL. ALLIANOE ASSURAN.CE FIRE & MARINE, LONDON, WILHELMA OF MADGEBURG GENERAL 1NSURANCE CO. SUN INSURANCE COMPANV, SAN f£aNCISCO. n ,J. S. 1VAI KEK, ‘Agent lor Hawaiian Islands. EDWAY & P0RTER, Robinson liloek, Jīotel St., heiween Fort and Nuuanu, Uave owist Receivtd, ]er Lste Arxivals, iLe i eipeei Ftccl> cf FLR MTCRE Ever lmpOrted to this Conntry, Comorising Han&ome Carved Bedroom In »1 i<l O alf. and ot the LATES'T DESIGNS. ESPECAVL ATTENT10N IS CALLED T0 THESE SETS: WIOJKEiR WAH.E, Beant fi\f De.s gns of Wiek r Walia, consist:ng of SOEAS, CHAIK\ ROCKERS, eto.,vou eau get these in sny FINISH you desire. O lae A, X IFt Conntless numbors of Ci\\IRS, in everv style, inclnding OFFICE nnV HIGH CHAIRS. tables, Wo havo l.ul a uu nber\‘ \lls for tbese Tables, with CHAIRS to mateh. We h\-’e uow iu stock the most BEAUTIFUL OINik ROONI FURNITURE EVER SEKN HERE. / Sidebourds aiii -;- Chiffoniers r?m g DIvans coveted with P0RT1ERS are becorning quito $ie rage in pluee of LOl*XGES—we oianufactnre t:iem to order, and have a huee stock of 1 > 0RLTEKS to seb ct froai. BEDIDI3SrC-. Gre t Assortmc 11 1 of WOVEN W1RE MATTRESSES—Spring, Hair, Moss. Wool aud Straw Mattresses ou hand and nnuiē to order. 1 1VEGEESK EEATHERS aml SlLK FLOSS for P»1 ows. CIUBS, CRADLES, etc. WINDOW SHADES of all colors and siz s. C0R>1CE POi.ES, in wood or bnss tritnmings. ZE£ E IEI 2ST.O--M.attvesses, Lounges aud all Up.holsterod Forniture repaired at r» asonable n. tes. CABINET MAKING, in ail its hnmehea, by Cnmpotent Workraen. MATTl>G LAiD i;.d lut vior Decontii.g uuder the Snpervisiou of Mt. GEORG E O RDWA >. Our Goods are 1’ rst C1 -ss, and >>nr prices are tho lowest Come and l>e e >uvinccd —a tnal is s >hcited. Bell 525. telephones: Mutuai 645. 0RDWAY PORT£B, R>*biuson Block. betweeu Fort nud Nnnanu *. I Telfphokbs; Bell 3ōl JMutual 417 Residesce: Mutual 410 P. O. Box 117 F,. B. THOMAS, ; .rC0NTRAGT0R and BUILDER jLQstimates Griveu ou AIl lvinds OF BRll'li v liN, SĪ0NE i WOUOEN BIILKi All Kinds of Jobbing in thc Building Trade, Attcnded to. - KEEP8 FOR SALE: Bnct, Lune, Cement. Iron Stone Pipe and Fittiugs, Dld A New Cormgatod lron, Minlon ,Tiiee, Quarry TiIob, asi>orted gises aml coiore; Califorma and Moaterey Sand, Granite Curbing and Blooks, ele.. etc. _ i Comcr King <ft Smīth St», OPP!CE YARD: '< Officc Houre, „to la M.. ( >♦©4 P M.