Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 26 September 1894 — HAWAII'S "BLUE" LAWS [ARTICLE]
C0XSTITUTI0>/ and LAWS i Framed bv tli</ Missionaries. * • / % LAWS of xke HAWAIIAN ! £SLANDS. • j / CHAPTEK XLV. A NEW LAA RELATIXG T0 T JE 0F THE / TaX 0FF1CEKS. On ao/)ant of the freqaent dilMoaUies thst occur botween tbe peo/le and the t«x respecting the f»lling of tbo s'gaal Ihe ume of!eaving work,aad respecting a/ariety of otber things done by the t.n officers. tberoforty [it is enacled ] 1. That the whole 13tb 9“Ctiou on the 87tb and 8 th »iages is er ised, and ls 1 tb>- wonl-», ‘h11 f a doliar. f-»artb of A dollar. eiglith of a d -llar.’. in ihelh nl sectiou of tho tbird jbhar.ter: And the ra *n who d->es not go to work on the *labor davs of the King, aud of t'»e land ageots sha• 1 bo fiued as follows, one fo irtb of a dollar. Bat if tbe min arrive at dinaer ime one eigbtb of a dotl.ir is the fioe. If he arrive jnst :»ft*r the falling bf tbe sigml of the tax officer at seven o'eloek. he sba!l pay a sixt!euth of a dolhr, A nnn who gives previoii8 r.ot ee tbat he shall notgosb«ll pay one rial. The tax ufficer und tbe Iand agent sball nol refus9 X tbut sum. H. Farthermore it shall be the dnty o{ theofficer to eons der wbat number of men is neo©8sary to aeeomplia’o the proposed work; and if tbe designe l w >rk be fiuisbed l»ofore tbe spHcified time, the people ra,iy nevertbeless ret ira; and so also if the specifiod tirae arrives and tbi work is not finished they may still return. III. Furtherraore. the coltivation of land and otber kinds of basiaeās done for t»e tax officers. ahall n>t be re*iaired to be dono at a d!stmc5, bat only at p!aces n?ar where tho people live who do the work. Thoagb if tbe King bave bibor to be done whieh ean not be accomplisned by the people of that p irticuUr p'.aee, then all the people »»f that connfy oi oftbat township may be c«lled to do tbat particular l ibor bnt when fia'shed t»e work ahill ceis3. Bat if work bo done in this way, the signal shall not fall at tbe phee of labor, b»t at a plaea near tbe resideaoe of tbo people. IV. Again, if there is a difficulty in relation to the proceedings of Ihe tax officer in any of bis tnnsactioos, bo shill then be brought t» trial bifore the G >rernor aud »n unbijsed jary 4 and if the tax officir be t>mod gailty, he 8ball be fined ten dollars to oe dedacted from his yoaily salar>*. and that money shall be paid o?er to khe aehool agent, aud wheu be perceives tbe teichers t > be in want, be sball give it to th.-m. But if tbe decision of the Governor be kboaght ko be oajust tbe case may be appealvd t • the supron»e J ;dges. If the 1»x officer b» afterward g iilty of a secood otfiuce bis office sball be t ikeu fro u h.m. V. If the kix officer pro’ong khe iabor, aiter tbe kime 3pec>fied m l >w, be shall be cond > nne*l on a trial bef >re lbe G-»Tērnor. But f the le»va kh> w >rk w ihouk being di>mis»ed by th •t x »fficer, lhey shatl pay «r al e»qo. Bat if one createsc >nfasioa «moDg tbe !aborers, or eall «Vt that tbe iabor is euded an 1 tbos st >p otbers in tbeir worV kwo <lo!l»rs is lbe fio« of the mm who co;>docts thus. V Thi* set h»ring r cetv»d tbe approbat:oa of fw N.llea aud aU> of the Rei>reseut»live Bxly we b«ve bereUuto sub-i»*jnb.-d our nmee on k iis t *eoty n nt » day «>f Voril m t.ve ye.»r of our Lord »ne tUuasan.l eight nandrei aud forty two. ' (S gued) * KWlEilAUE.lA III. KEKAULUOHI.