Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 26 September 1894 — The Coming Circas. [ARTICLE]
The Coming Circas.
I In regard the circis whiea sbortly wdl amre bere. tbe San • Francisco Music aod Drtra«« writes as follows: Ch irle3 O. Hicks. an oId-titne j showman, arrived frora the Orient j e«rly th;s week oa Ihe Belgic, j and-lef; for the Kast Iast evening. { ' Colouel H;cks, wbo took a mins»trel and specialty company to Aastralia from tbis ci(y some six ■ years ago, is now general representvtive of Harm?ton’s C;rcus, ! and has retnrned to Ameiiel to secnre novelt es for the show. wh.eh he ieft in Yokohama. Tbe i Oolonel w.ll make a fiying trip. 1 / rc-turniig heie «bout the 25th ! * inst, witb h!s new people io ordei to r j ->in the show at Hono- : ■ lulu ()ct>ber llth. Frora tbe Hawaii«n Isl »nds the e rcus goes ; to New Z_-aiand, thence to Aus- . lralia. for an extefded tour. ; iianuston's Circus,-«t present, ( iucludes the follo fi g artists: : * j M'll. Le B:oude, a*iuous tque i strienne; Nellie Bailey, a d.ishing j.jckey nder; M’lle Blanche, the j Ackerley’s aml M’ll. Oudin, «erial art sts: W'oodward Bro- r thers, • iib«rto, Ch«rley Matthews *ud the Ste wart Brothers. mnscl downs; Sig. Bysach, bor zoutal bar; Masters Will.e I aiul Litile Hurry, gymnasts; i \Vhimsical Tommy aud Peppiuo, • c!owus; Mme. Horrastou aud Lei ■ s x Arrtbiau slaIlions; George Harmstun, f nnous burebacs rid- • er: Leo Heruandez aud his trained Beng«l ligers and lenp.rds; C ;arles Bruce. baud-raaster; F. Dupey, sol<>trorabon st, aud seveu- l taen mus;ciane, R. L >ve, raauag- j er;Chas li. Hicks. representative; i 6. Kerch, coutructing agent; James Meaus aud Chus Burron, ugeuts, and tlie HurmsU>ns, pro- . I prietors.