Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 26 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
/\SSIQplEE’S S^LE1 the E>Tir.E srocs or Wenner & Co. WILL BE SOLI> Rea irdiess of Cost. u 6 -tf pioneek; Steam CAN0Y Fnctory. BiH i;RV and lee Cream Parlors I HORN m m 1863 «I 1894 m VL 13T PRACTICAL CO X FEC TXO XE1 i axd ORNAMENTER In all bra.irhes of ihe lusiness o.i these i»lands. Amcric«n, Emli'h. Germaa aml Erench FASTKIES Made to On]< r. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING C VKES Made ol the Very Be»t M»tcriai and at Rcasonabte Rates. Family 6raham &. Fancy Bread Alwayt on Ha>id. AliL COXFElTIOXERY Manufactared at My EsIaMishitunt Arc Guarantced to be PoaitiveIy Pure anU S<>ld at Price* no other establi*hnu nt eau eompele with. tmr FACTO'’Y AND STORE. No. 71 IIotel Street, Ilonolulu. Both Telcphonea No. 74. jy‘K> Per S.S. AUSTKALIA from the Coast CAMAmOS Refrigerator Contain a Full Supply of lee House, such as Frozen Oysters, Crabs, Fresli Salaion, Caullflower Celery, Muscat Grapes, Peachts, Apricots Mectarlnes, Japanese Plunis Tokay Grapes, Gennan Prunes Cra\vford Peaches, Silvcr Prunes Rose Peru Grapes, Bartlett Pears, Sikle Pears, Etc. California Fruit Market. Mutual Tel. 378 lt viNQ-!-F/t-:-chan —: FURHlTURE ŪEALERS. :— B«g to inform Uw pahlie th»t tber har e opeoed * Brazch Store at No. 322, Nuuenu St^ Whcre lb«y C»rnr • eoapkle llne of BEOROOM •*ETS, CH AIR3, TABLES. WARDRoBES. STANDS. Ete., Ete., Ele. Pumiioie Repa red «nd Gcaer«l Jobbing (t Ke*» n»ble Batti. VING FAT CHAN T , F(ctory, co.-n«r of King *ad B«tLei St,tets. sept ri-3ms CHIN KEE. HOB-SESHOElXG SilOP. Maunakoa & Puuahi New (et •!] kh' nd $ l 50 U*i iM (U ronud W iX»,r k> Xo. ō iiuUau. ~ Mgl