Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 26 Kepakemapa 1894 — LADIES' COLUMN. [ARTICLE]
/ Th «e wbo lhir.k v<*s • w«*rdlv-wis‘* act in Tiri< 1 us ways th t >r b th i:;t j ivstii>g *nd instructive. Y>u em persa*d‘? a b>;s •• n i to aryth ngg>- d by the int-ll g>ent i>se > f «»<’ aml u; d-r te arg :i<fe;>t, b"t th s b«s n > wfeight w:th a woni >n. Th**y like wh»t thfv like becao9e —. They are n> re e>rfefu'. know va!ues bettfer. ;>nd wīll r.ot he deceiv, d To •.i ’k Q ; c’< S ■ es an<i S.i; l Profits w tbo :t niertu»ng it. wou!d b<sac d». We do t.tik >t »nd d > mr;iQ it. O.r sa'es >h *w y u als<>. be. ove it. līs t > ti: s-» wli > m. y be nnacq iamted «ith this f_ct t!i <t we .<r-- t yi g to reach. We s> : d we mmt'»n WOOLEN 00 ‘DS ths week and so we w .. \\ e h v b t>ii ai:»s;ng e- ns dt-r<b \ eii rt f r s rae t me b.iek td*T»ay thu b st t be h>d in tbe liae. ;»udlt<< t>fi*er tiii.s we-k ; s >ioe of tbfe h >rals raest L shra r s ever itfr> d iu H >uo uu. Oar eveu:iig s!>. des > f C»>'.'>red W o — ei.s re p s-t ve be ut es —m fct iu our iiiiH >>t Colt»red W«v>leus it wuu d be h >rd t > ;>sk you for \vhat von want and nct fi «d it. i liese g>. ds run n ;»i qa«l:ties wit!i QuiCii SaltS :>ud S_all Profit 1 j>rices. We ii >ve a few renm >nts of Black C-s'imere, j".st wh;»t you want —bec.tuse they are your’s fi>r : htt!e raoney. We-aIso \vant to n>eation H;»ndkfercliiefs. We h >ve s >nie very handsoine en.br iderfed ones. A's> ' a good stotk of des r.tble {>I;tm I cnes —.vhiie every e >uuter in the store w 11 o >nv*nce you *>f al: «e s>v ; b >nt Qa.ck S.des und Small | Profits. B. F. EHLERS & C0. —