Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 26 Kepakemapa 1894 — Absent Friends. [ARTICLE]
Absent Friends.
i At Hono’ol i t ey telt r.tther a 2<d tory nbv -t Be 1 *cd D*v s, of un« >T >ry m“m«ry heo ihe “ eonple arriv dst Hmolula in the Lt->g!e thev cat aa imnoe s- d«sh in t !tt e city. Th-y g>tinto ' t‘-e be-t « iety. tbey enteitaine«l liber«llv. m<i th 'V S|»eiit rooney ! . f'* e’ i. X ■•>.. t - « dtity on E •jr 1 «h forer gn« lat.ded in H»waii I>'« n t often >h»t il’a ei.lorced, 1 br.t sti.l it’s there. Ti;e f>olice i at;<l the C ist ms officials •■{ tbe | - *ii;gd i'u, as t t ien w;«s. got wiud • • .t the t<o »'Vell Eng! sb travelrs h.id a l>»t f g •!>! on b >ard. , The C’ st io aiid the |«oiice e m • ned s-.<rc-i'd t>:e yacth. Every* t iiig was tar.ied o st. Tbpreu js t < ,h excej>ti >n. They nrss dt .- 1 cxcepti«n. On • dav Uell or D iv s. < r H’ooin <t I) >• g’as, w< nl V t.> ah is n-ss mun in the city. and |\ isk*d him whatexcliirg» he tvoo!d \fiv< in L*mt-«1 Stnt s g >ld for t V. glish sovereigns. The meneaanl , 4 g'e"t.-d th<t if lie went to the ‘ lank ro’H d lli“ corner he w.>u!d g\ f . ?4 Tō. Bell «>r Divis, or Byom <>r D mglas eiul iined th «t 1 a n\inoe ivre h.ul b *en j>racli3<--d on | tl.eVJ-ift >tn a ilh iritie9. and that to ;V id t!ie possibility o{ sus ; i l«icioy he preferred not to deal ‘ "ith \e bmk. “Look here,’' he -1 d. ‘Kil let you have tiiera f<>r ■ '4 («> ” \‘H ‘<v m i”y have you?“ \ l'lio \vent to tlw bank, and i'hlaineel • th« necessay\’ gohl. uiiking tne j 1 excli;ii!g“ nt At.80— a snbst inlial pf fit. Then\|>ell or Davis, or ■ Hioom or D >iA'1hs, took lii<o out ;to Walkiki, tn\ miles from the citv, and ther\v they ttfected i 11 • tlie bargain. xne sovereigns \vore very wtt. Whe merchint tln>nglit tiiat tlie cocns most have lieen coi.cea!ed in a Vreek, whieh jnst tl ere e:iter3 thy bay. He wa« wrong. They ex»Vntion was i ti o water tmk <>n boar<l\he Bea- | gle. That uight Bell an\ Davis, ior Hloom «nd DougIas, \ydgbed anelion. Tne noxt morniiv the iut lligenc * as to who tiey \vere iCCOini>aaied the leg il d<AUu.epts f«»r their «rrest. It wasjust\o» lute. The geniul, hospitabh), dashing yoang fello>\s, who had l>tralvsed sl«epy Honolnlu with i thc’r raunificeuco, who had charmed the dusky uatives belle3 \vith their stylishnes3. and hnd eap t vated tlie loeul «lude \vith their swagger and honhomio, were on th ir way to Tihiti. There they chunged crews, andleft forCaliao, in Pem. This was discovered ulter>vards.— Dally Tclejmph. ■ •■
D, Ho.virJ Hitchcock li is re- | opemal iii-' c’j«.ss -s in drawing and painting at his t ass Koom on Hotel S:re«t. Cias3 iustructiors given cvorv W» Jnesday and Siturd iy frtMu S p. m. to 1*2 p. m. Mr. Stooeman will leave in the S C A lon tomorrow. His many ; fr ends liopo to see him back in Hawaii under circumstances, mure prornis ug tu eventual set I tlers. Several p:ect>s fr<>m the wreck-\-«l G N. \\ ilcox havo beeu pieked up at Waimanalo and other. p>rts on Oahu. The syodicate that bought the \\rec< have good piospecty of being re-irabursed. Scveral diving smts have been sent to Molukai. A c>fl e company called the Alnha C-ompany «nd proraoted in Chic go i > reported in Araeri- ! e»n p.pers. The stock c»pit«l, it | is el «imed, is $603,000 «nd it is ■ aUo stat d that tue comp;«ny has secvred necessary lands from the Hawaiiau governoient The whole thiog is a eananl. A eouple of special of6cers have be n disrais$ed from the forco fur uubecoraing behavīour. O.'.e of taem utade hiuaeelf uotjri ias a wade »go m the Eieoeh d sorJerly ho. se case. The f >rco is to bo coagrataUted i | io haviug been reiieved of sacb ; cattle.