Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 6, 25 September 1894 — MONTE CHRISTO. [ARTICLE]

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| \ OId Gro>sou, who for lorg years was in charge of t!ie Clia ,- e>u d‘lf, made f.<moo all t!ie \vorld over by M<)nto Christo,” lias dievl, and sme aransing auecJotes are being recorded vb nt him. He e <joled himsolf as well as visitors iuto tho belief tliat £dmond D«ntes and the Abbo F,iri;i had renlly b en iin prisoned in lbo s a f<)rtrvss. He ulsv) Iia<l a ser:e» of ftori<-s ab >ut i Uio irou Mask, and was in tlie habit of nssur ng people that he h <1 n prisoner in tbe dnngeon who had grown grey tliere. Being a bit % of veutriloquist, Gros- > n used to make tie ininginury convict speuk frora tho deptb of iiis eell. The prisonor generally madenn app!ioation for tobacco, aiul vi>itors at <>r.ce disbursevli money for the mrcotic Ioxury, , whieh u is neodtess to sav was ; n , >j*iired for Gr «son bimself. Tlu- eMor Du nas, on one of tbe la>t occasions tual he visited Mar so 1K>, we;it out t) tiio Chatean d lf aml asked Gr<>ssoa to show him arouod. The oal rv»gue n> t knowing wilh whom he had lo deal, weut tbrough his usuj1 tiickery. «nd poiuted oot a hole in « wall whioh he s«id havl been bored thr,)Ogh hy the Abbe F«ii», , who. uscvl a ft»h bono f>>r the pur p >e. The atfair. he added, h-<d | been pui into priut by M. Alex andro l)nu as. “Ah," S*ivl the : •utborof “Monte Cnrislo,”,“that I Alexiudre l>umas knew a lot of thiUi:s. 1 s ;pp>s0 you knew hiui M. Groesoa J ' * 0h, ye8.’’ said tbe uunbashod Auanias; ‘*he is one of iny friends.” “He is m eh cbliged to yoo,” said D. m.is, siipping two louis into; tue oKl rascal’s hand. Now that | Mr. GrviS'On is g >ne the Chateiu ! dTf w ill be dīv»skd of « g >cd deil | \>f ihe roman e whieh inkiests | touri>ts. Ex- ~~ =