Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 6, 25 Kepakemapa 1894 — NOT WANTED. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Mr. W. N. Ariostrf np. «p we understan<l. ba« been int- <1 a meoiber of tbe labor A>m«o saion whieh in dne time All fornish an nnpne! c«ble andyi ne less report to on ament «n e *pty pige *n-hole iu the borem\ of »oni(' 9abinet —offioer. The - tor of tho A<hetii**r is not »<t s fied, thf>ugh, by att.iining « eh an object. llo wants anotiiir commission and anotlier anprcl priation of money. Hia pr*senl idcni is an exhaustive ox'imina-V tion of the eoiulilion uf tbe 1 nativcs, their relation to the | labor »upply, their present eondition rf the:r holdings of real and per»onal estate, their relations to the busine»8 enterptisea of tbe country, the inter m:irriagoa of the nativer. with tbo whites an.l all other matters touching lhoir «oeial condition. ’ The edit.*r does not t* 11 cs ■ '* '/ auoh inve»t gati>.n ahou!d be niade. and wlmt re.~ults might be derived fru»n it. Ho simply i atates that it ouglit to be doue ! while tho trne friends of the uativcs have posses8ion of the goverument f> r the pnrpo»o of deviaing moasures through whieh ! tlio Hawaiian raco ean be in- : croasL'd aml pfTpetuated. We believo that the cliijue bohind the A(hxrii*er knows weil enough tho mcasnros throngh whieh the Hawaiiau raco em be increasod’. Tho conlemptible lickspiUle who fawued uround Kalukaua and who now calishim sel the best friend of Hawaii mnai know. that thero is hardiy 1 a raemberof the prosent,governmont who is not guilty of hav ng debauched th< jHawniiiinsRnd w ho have eomplaeeulU’ bronglit tards iuto tho wmld while tlicy scorncd to uiarry the womeu deceived and tempted by lliem. Who is there among Mr. Armstrong s Cii*|iie who has s iovvn himself n frie u1 to ths Haauiians?. Tne petty tr idors. parsous and sclioolmasters wliu eanie hem on suHV.ig**, who had no standing sociilly in the great world that thoy left, put on airs here aml cons der themselvea better and suj>erioi to Iho Hnwaiians who they imp sed on and wliose women they used as tools to satisfy lheir baso instinds. Friends of Hawaii indeed! How is it that nearly every missionary” who drives to hia church on Sui*da\s with his married wife. pieke.l up from » aehool house or eookhouae, and who brings hiscbildren begt*tten by that frecklcd roonstros.ty iuto tho iSunday School, p«sses a Hawaiiau womau who belicved iu tho su}>eriority of the clever haole aud subnsittod to liim and now stands ontsido witl» lier illi— j gitimate children. an object of scorn and ridicule No. uo. Mr. W. N. Armstrong there is iio; reason to app >int another oom mittee to look into the condition of tho Hawaiiaua. Xhe:r couditiou is well kuown uiuluoging of lascivious, old volupt.iaries are wauted to pry around HaVraiian faniilies under the prctense of beiog ‘ fi icuds‘’ aud iuvestigating “conditioi^.” The Hawuiian race will bo preserved. lf danger ofextinction throateu them th« v will pet up and rweep out the leeeh whieh , is suckiug their life blood and | liiai is the haole, who never «rtfi- ; liat«d w»th them/.xcept for pnrpoeea of debau/aing their wo- . nuu. Who 4 ’ailowi. d tbeir; ltnds and prop/ty and euduwed tbem wiih gin f d syphilia. The Haw«iians km‘*w «nougb to Uke care of themseives and they will meet witb determinaiiou their investigatiog *'friond» M in the | on’*y proper spirit, hnu ih«l is by > adaainistoriug a goiid,detcm:nod iuek • >