Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 6, 25 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
MACFAULANE A CO. ī)'nhrs in Wine* nnd Sj>irit* K<t»kumvia Sireet, Houoialn. H. E. McINTVUE v HKO. G iocr.ur, Feed Store a Bakeut. Cornor o( «n 1 Fort Sts.. Ilonolnln J. FBILL1PS. 1*H\CTH'AL PLĪ'MP.EIi, OAS.FITTEB A>PPEK-SMITH, Honse nml Sbip Job \Vort Promptly Exccute<l. N<>. 71 lving Strect. Ilonoln! i 1)k. MeLENN AN, K‘>rt Stre«t, :»!*;>ve H"t“L Muliiiii Teiej*lH>iH‘ 0*2. f*r ofllci-; i’or resulei>c< j . jy28 icu. c uowi'?:. Home Sifjtt and OlnauuiUa’ Painter. M <n'il’,» t> rr < t l. «ju <1 S:.iting. <J20 ivii‘g Sirei l. !,i:\VJS J. LEVEY, [iiuil Kst;irt* iiiul f»enei-al Aiiotioneer. -Mi u -i-.i'opl aml (Juecn Stro“is Monolu’a Pemonui attcuti »n g>ven to Snles of Fnrn!lure r Uoul t«*. Stoek iiiil Oeuen MeicliJiiuliso. MnmM t lienhoiu ‘J'IS “FAT B0Y.” mmmim s loon \ r. MclNERNT, l ROPRiirum. Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Oohneu Pkthix .and IIoiel Srs. Honolulu Carriage Manufactory \V. W. \VRIGIIT, Proi*bikti*u, to G. Wwt). • f"AHUIAGE BL ? 1I.DISG am> RKPAlIUNG. L All OoUts ftom the Otlier lslanJs in Uie | Trinnnlu!C aud Painting Llne «ill Meei «itii Proinpt Auouliou. l»Iai‘ksmiihiiiir in AU Its Various Bntnches Dono. P. O. Bo\ ii'.M, Noō. U< »nd l:W Fo« Stm‘l jyWiy W. S. LUCE Wine ;md 8i>irit Merchant e-imiMl Fire-prwf Block, MEĪICHANT ST. HO\OLTH>U. 71 :B0TH TELEPHONESi71 —COXSOLIDATED—SUI>\ WATER -:- W0RKS -:- CO. (i.I'trTTED.) Gust. A. Mauer. I HAWAIIAN IīOĪ'EL barber Ladics Skampooing a sj>ecl- ! dty. Honolulu. aug4. Anchor-:-Saloon Es “AUSTKALIA.” Auother Invoice of the W or!d Ronowned FREDER!CKSBU3G UGER BEER ngbt and by tbe jo, as a Specialty, FRESH CAUF0RNtA QYSTERS, i| i fok eoeie muyl 3ms xoTink , l *° V* u* m «b «** *—; iam. ihUi, beloogms Ali .«« . wU tht> n« laoA' ' U VAI SING KEE. a» ww. ta$