Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 6, 25 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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HA.WA.il HOLOMUA, i" rritU8HED 1-Cv**rv A ilonioon . \rnPT Sl'X1'AY BT THr Ho!c.Tiaa Pablishia2 So. mg SL 1 īium.i.' t>iock), lluiioiaia, II. i. , |,;i .*i i« <W!irt-re*l !>y Carriers in tbt|f,w 11 ',il>tu!>-. f-»r S«J<. 1,1 t \.vrs l>oi»!ew »nd nt iLe t>ffice ol Eduund Horrie. P. M. R0ŌHEY. Edit<jr Manzger XOTICE. .VII lln':u--s CotnmuPication« should be itw., I to 1*. M. 1UH».NEV, llonn- .;. .. 11. I. CJ rn>i<)n<tence anrt OowmuuieaUona tor ui.lieiiUunaUouKI btadiiris.s£*<ltotbe E<liu>r II.. ,.11 Holomna. No noiiee will be j«u<1 . ,,i»v uuoiiymoua fomaiUUicutions. Husiuess Curd.s V()LNEY V ASHFOIID. Attornoy iiul Coouselor :il Luw, Olliee, Sītc ot tho OKl Bcthel — \\ est Corner uf Kiug aml Kelhel S'rccls. jy2J_ A. P. I’ETliKSON. A llOUNEl’ VI IAVV. OOioe: 113 KaaLmunnu S*.rett, Uouoiulu ilawaiīau lslands. CHAIILES CREIGHTON.' attornev at law. 0;Vv<>: 113 Kaahumann Street, Houolnln Hawuiian Islau>ls. l’ALL NEUMANN. ,VTTORN ky at law. 311 MercUant StroGt, Honolulu, Mutnal TelepUoue 415. CLAUENCE W. ASHFOUD. ATTORNEV AND COUN8ELLOR AT LAW. , (>:li v. . ii.1 C:ipitol Bnilding, (Ilonolnlu Uale), a.ljoiuing I'ust Offict>, Honolulu.: A. UOSA, ATTORNEi’ AT LAW, No. Ka.iUumanuoL, Honolulu, iluwaiiau islanda. H. F. UEUIELM.ANN. (\NTRAOTOR AND BCILDER.’ ■ King St., Bcll TelepUoue 107. F. H. KEDWARD. CONTRA<TOR a.\i> BUH. t 'ER, No. 500 Kiug Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. WILLIAM FOSTER, AT >UNEV AI-LAW .v NOTARI PCBLIC, Honolulu. U. I., lo Kaahumanu Street. jy34 A. G. eoUUEA, NTATTORNET AT >07 Mtrchant Sireet, Honolulu, jy2j Fcruaudes & Gomes WH0LE5ALE California Wines and Spirits, No. 502 Fort St.. Uonolulu, H. I. T 0. Box 436. Mulual Tde. 140. Ijr3i> Sm CRXKSE l'TOflGE C0XPAN r, S3l lioīll TrT.Era>NES 335 U*>ca Siat;d. Corner King MHunakea S;recta. Hacks at All H<)urs. jy27 “,ITOHANV’ I Ml*OR i'm asii DEALEB IN GENERAL • Ex«la«ively ol * RETAIL 201 ao 1 303 Fort SUWt. Bui UO IN W.