Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 6, 25 Kepakemapa 1894 — Jack of all Trades. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Jack of all Trades.

The late?t itk i of the Germ*a Eniperor 5- to uotlertake a bilIorn exc r?.on. nee rd i.,. lo a l/nin corr •n<e t H s Maj Xtv hu> cx: ui't. i .» . '■ c\ ’.y I / I j hunttr, as a wha o !iaher, a cosn- ■ poscr, as a '0 <iier, as an admiral and in half a hundred otber cr>p acities. He has *cted a>* st»ge i tnanagsr of the 11 >v.il Thculre, O • lias p«!ut d a unnil» r of p;cturos. I has v x*mined iuto ihe economy cf the roy. I kiiehe >s. and acted as * j ' ; Thero is, therefore, litt!e t >at ho • »' not trie«l <>n land or water, ■ i»n>l he now pr poses to inrado | the realms of a r.