Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 6, 25 Kepakemapa 1894 — CYCLING AND HEALTH [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


•I A m elie.l man ei sat enti > to tbr- cnrupej postion **f th>r »lers of uao<!csr'i ’cyclt 9, ai.tl ; s ys lb t it m st be uio-t j r* jaJt- i e >1 to pbysic.il «Jeri-lopm :»t i *l 4 ueral heiUh. Aee rding t tim, tbe ’cyc e i» j»rodu-iag n rnco of young use i wt» ro n sboaMers a.J j>igeo?j bfeasb». He cails f r soai* ia*'a: s f u.tt*ring ttr- p **it on t pre>e .t oe- I c*»pietl, s> that tbe bacs > f Uie ' rder ai y ret :n t* tialorai up rigbt p»siti>u .rJ b.s lnui:s b vc ūrr play. aiiku at •>resent u -i be i npossible. A otber 3f .D.. j .ibo is a pract eal - cyc ist, »le el r«-s tbat «it.» t ie m d r.» ‘'Sifety J ’ tb r- :s *<o uecvss ty to stoop : iii t e *.iddle. for t e se>tt p » ui a».d ba dle b-.r#. aro dj -tab e to a v po.-it!ou, fr m tbe str ct per,e d cular t> any degr*e of CO»»VrX»ty of t:t b ict. Tb i-t >->p— ; ng |»osit on, be t H »3, m *»ply a uee ss »y«f U»e r-ic.ug-patb. «ud : ;is ad pted f>r i e - »i.e obv . •> reasm » s jockeya b ».d over tsu»n ga’l ’p Rg st-ed». XbiseutiiUiH «t >.ivs i:»al be ;s now c*m-Li t v * * pre*cnbiug ’cycUng oi mo<i ciuo«itb ibc most suoc«&*/at rot»ulfc. — £jl'. -■■■- .. - ■■ » Aa. & ; v.