Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 6, 25 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

I Best Piooeei Soai la ot 40». 'i TIIB SOAP Fias3i t?PSC!AL PRIt t‘> IX U' .’iLhJ1jL Ce!ebrated Bran(.'s o' SCOTlH WliiSKi: ,v, BEN ALDOCHLAN. Ainsley’s OLD Blended Glon:i GLE ,N 10N Extr.:.s 6LENLI0N SPECIAL LIOl ELK SCOTCH \V!11SK City - Carric MF'Q- QoBlacksmith Shc 107 KiNG STREET D. BE[\lT s Mjp Blacksmith Work AND Cjr/i3g’ R>p’ /ii i PAL\TING :AXI) : tr I Ii> »11 1 h : nc-l* li ck Priccs. Mulual To!• | ■ ’.i>n■ ■•' > j Give us a Cai: ; f<’r yoursclf. A5inHISTHAT!CNT THK UNDERSI«7JE1) t | Adminis»r*tor t,t Petelo Kakol (K) tate ot il i UweaaeU. I Noliei; Ī5 hon.A_T uiv. u I tb>’ d«c«t9cd to prē>. nt t!u : *ocnred by M >rt>,a.-. ,. r I antbendicnt*.d and wltb tlM i if *ny exi»t t*> tbv nndvr»i moniu, frorn fhdnf i,1 forever barreu; »cd ali i„■; tbe «aid dev •;ustd »n- n-ou, - ' medi»te p»jment ar tt,i i, Kailia, Com. r of . n Stretrts, Up-«tair>. KAILI PETEi AdruiaL<tmtor <>: t!i J;. ; Kakoi. (k; d Ilonolulu, Set>f II, IS£t. CHA.\, DEAI.KK IX fii|2 fa?Di^hin3 Kine TttiU»rin^ Fine Ohineae and J<{'i; - Hni,dkerch;tf' >*os. 31 0» 33 X•■*; i •* ‘Ulu, p.o. n.x 2oS. tv

J H. TPwL\SCULLl:, Uoot & Shoemaki-i Ihrt;&ree/. S^ pai »*»% D ne. L . «dU be«J wit5 pp gSt ,1 hoIo aatl beel 9ew. u * '1 aoi * MKDi;iKi s i Mei*chant Tailoi^ E ag li, h oo PuNt-el. < M . w ’ Tk K'*at »at«-tL ui;Ur A?u **St«» «’u t E. . s. S.eckei:, ■” * »os.