Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 6, 25 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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¥ Pire, L.ife & Mdrine insuramce! HARTFORD F!RE IXSURAXCE CO., Assete, 8 '7.109.825.49 LON’IX)X-LAXCASHIRE F1RE IXS. CO. f Assets, 6 4,317.052.00 THAMES-MERSEY MARIXE IXS. CO.. Asaetsw ? 6.124,057.00 * XEW YORK LIFE IXSl’RAXCE CO.. Assets, 6137.499,198.99 C. O. BERGER, Geueral Ageat Lr the H«wa;; i?i l> ai ds, Ui'noliilu i H* E< $ Bf?o 1MP0RTERS A.ND DEALEKS IN Grroceries, 3?rovisions AND J?eed, f EAST CORNER FORT & KING.STS. New G-oods Rec'd By even’ Packet frora the Easteru States and Enrope. Fresh California l’roduce by evory steamer. A!1 orders fa!thfully attended to, and Go< ds delivered to any part of the city FREE 0F CHARGE. Tsland Ordora Solicitod. Sat’afiiction Giiui’;ijuteed. Post Office Box N<>. 145, l'elephone N ». 92.

B. o. Box 48(*. Mi'tual Iklkpho.ne 245. The Clieapest Plaee on the Islands to Bny NewandS$ond Hand Furniture 1S .VT THE CORNEK OE King & Nuuanu Sts. I X L i Honoiuiu ih. i.

S. NiSH)MJR^, Commission Merehant, 19 Nnna-.m Stre>-t, Hoao’uln IMPOnTF.RS an.l D£.\LERS in JAP.\N TEA DRY GOODS. SILKS an.J PROVI3ION'. X«nJ(iood« bjr tr«rj Mutual Tclphone. 317. sept 6~tf.

PANĪHEON 8ALOON, C FOHT AXD HOTEL ST?. - EElerprise Bfewiiig co. nre Largest Consignment of Beer that ever arr>ved bere, uo7r on Draught J. DODD, Prop’r

SI*« UES KEE, TISSMITrt .\xt» DE \LER IN IINWAHE. P)|Tibg I.a:d aud Bepaired. Ali Ordt-rs Pronapt!j Atter.ded to. jChargts Vrry Moderate. C*1I and See Ue. No.- 222 Maunakea St. f llonolulo. jy*20 lm 1290 Ring Up 290 United Carriage Company, M. REIS 4 J.C. QUINN

SMOKERS, ATTENTIOX. Holli9tf r <4 Co. bave reoei\-e‘J a fortber s ippl_v of the celebra»od G. B. 1> pip«j.direct from the factoiy as well a? a new stoct of aml>er a«d mecrechaam eisjar and c:garettc h ider?. Aieo wa3T matches. • 1X0 CP MITVAL TELE. 312. NIEPER’S Baggage Expres«, Office, 2» Fort St„ Hoooiala. IL 1. Bagg«ge and Furo;turē Carefully UaniieU »nd Delivered at Short Noliee to All Parta of the C:ly. Btaod on Cor. of Fort i Queen Sl* ir» Ib famre aH BILLS for wiil be paēahie oa presrn:aū>a. W* arr ooiapeliae to n-aon So tbi* rale, on ««eoeui oi the inah*iitT lo eoik t tb* oud-»ntj ot oor ''ad«nuking hilla ai'.a (saaral* ai* or*r. WHUAMS BEOS., ED. A. W1LLIVMS. t