Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 6, 25 September 1894 — BREVITIES. [ARTICLE]

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ln l.ondon ihcre .s ono fOs oftice to aboal every .V2t>8 inh bi \ Unts. 0v<-r tvrenty 1> *y> n: 1*r ig >t- ! een yeaiso» tlu * ī Victorii Crc>» l > apcr'f r tise 13*nk of Eng'.tn»l |notes is m-ile from new linen. ' cover fro:u rags. The entiro popnlati»>n ot luilia ilo uot apeiul t».l per h* ail per year lbr clothing. Stockfaolui has tbo hights: ».le.>th-rato frora driuk of any city in tho .world — uine(y iu oue thousauv.l. i Tho Puri aineutary Comaiitt / •■>n ■ / / mu:u height «f a y b *il>1 1 :> 80ft. / A society of youu_’ «.'nu/ has beeu f ru.cvl iu Anu r:ca \iu> «-l..clar • that they \>;.> M4Vj/utuii g to ilo uith young menwl/>sra ke. Al ho.sp»tal car is/llio late> iallru..J uuve.ty Ul Ai/enca. lt id int conii>;.iiiu«-uks ai / oiut rgeuoy rei’.- f c#rj-. A ' ruler uf Ja lei in iho d.iys ot Chnst, iliscovtyeJ ;u i*uii-stiuo. I riii. lienuil.i li iii St. l*olersu ;rg. A ladj at/leto Ea>giish C.; /.!•■ 1. Sh lioui A uene i ior tha puipo-e ul’ tryiug t> kicjt)ia[ ii.-h u.■- i* whieh uone of her scx havo yet, uttouipted. Duriug the p st t\venty years the Jewish populat:on of Loudoti has/more th>n do ih od. It .- no/ supposed to nn.nh rbctwe< od( hundred t hi/idiod and twen;v thoiisind. Thc anonai Tri .l of Pyx, or testmg tho woiglit of tlie uew coins, took plaee at the Lotidon .Mint tbo other «!ay. Duru.g the year >0.371,281 coins—gold. sil ver, and brouze—were struck, of w h;th per cent, vvero rcjected | as beyond or below the stuoJard weight, At a r»cenT gathering of the Healthv and Artist e Dress l*nion in Lomkm, sorao g ut - raen appeared m tho uew evcn-! mg dress coiisi»tiirg of evening | cout aud ve't ::i velvet hlaek, brown,and greeii—silk stockings, aud knee brceches, A D»rt\ ■ ommended t io praetic • of uliow ng children to grow up withont weur ug sboes or stockings.